Merge two lists



I have 2 sets of data range i.e set1 from range [Sheet1!A1:A32] and set2 is
from [Sheet2!B1:B32]

Set1 contains Vegetables List
Set2 contains Fruits List

Now I want to merge both lists in [Sheet3! C1:C64] but one value from set1
and one value from set2

Below is graphical translation:

A1: Tomatto
A2: Cucummber
A3: Carrott on

B1: Apple
B2: Oranges
B3: Bananna on

SET3 [to create]
C1: Tomatto
C2: Apple
C3: Cucummber
C4: Oranges
C5: Carrott
C6: Bananna on

Please help

Peo Sjoblom

If indeed the sheets are called 1 and 2 you can use this in C1 and copy down



Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please, for everyone's
benefit keep the discussion in the newsgroup/forum)


Thanks Peo!

Peo Sjoblom said:
If indeed the sheets are called 1 and 2 you can use this in C1 and copy down=OFFSET(INDIRECT("'Sheet"&MOD(ROW(2:2),2)+1&"'!A1"),FLOOR(ROW(2:2)/2,1)-1,MO


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please, for everyone's
benefit keep the discussion in the newsgroup/forum)

Murtaza said:
I have 2 sets of data range i.e set1 from range [Sheet1!A1:A32] and set2
from [Sheet2!B1:B32]

Set1 contains Vegetables List
Set2 contains Fruits List

Now I want to merge both lists in [Sheet3! C1:C64] but one value from set1
and one value from set2

Below is graphical translation:

A1: Tomatto
A2: Cucummber
A3: Carrott on

B1: Apple
B2: Oranges
B3: Bananna on

SET3 [to create]
C1: Tomatto
C2: Apple
C3: Cucummber
C4: Oranges
C5: Carrott
C6: Bananna on

Please help

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