Merge two lists to get one with unique records



I haven't been able to figure this one out but a co-worker needs to have a
unique list generated by two lists. We are using Excel 2003.

1) she has two lists. for example:

First List Second List Combined List
Harry Brown * Harry Brown Harry Brown *
Ben Boat * Ben Boat Ben Boat *
Mary Moon * Glen Glue Mary Moon *
Val Value * Will Wish Glen Glue
Val Value *
Will Wish
2) She wants to combine all the names from the First List and the Second
List into the Combined List but she doesn't want any duplicate names.
3) All the First List names have a *.
4) There is no * for the Second List.
5) When the same name appears in the First List and the Second List, she
wants the name to appear with the * like Harry Brown * in the Third List.
6) If the name is not in the First List, she wants the name to appear
without the * like Glen Glue in the Third List.

The only way that I have figured out how to do it involves removing the *
from the First List, then copying the Second List under the First List, then
using the Advanced Filter feature and picking "unique records only."

The problem with my solution is that the * is not on the Combined List and
this is what my co-worker wants.

I hope this isn't too confusing. If anyone would be able to solve this, I
would greatly appreciate it. It has "driven me up a wall."


I see that my three lists did not come out on my post the way that I expected
so I'm trying the three lists again: I'm putting in the = (equal sign to see
if it will make the three lists appear somewhat in columns.

First List =======Second List=====Combined List
Harry Brown *====Harry Brown====Harry Brown *
Ben Boat *======Ben Boat ======Ben Boat *
Mary Moon *=====Glen Glue======Mary Moon *
Val Value *====== Will Wish======Glen Glue
==========================Val Value *
==========================Will Wish

T. Valko

I'd do what you did using the filter then in another column use a formula to
see if the name appears in the first table. If it does then concatenate the
* after the name:

=IF(COUNT(MATCH(C1,A1:A100,0)),C1&" *",C1)

Then clean up by converting the formulas to constants and restoring the
tables as needed.

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