Merge and sort pages of data



I have an earlier post on this but no solution and trying again.
I have two pages with tables of data with column headings of dates I need to
merge the data from these two pages into a third page in the chronological
order of the date headings and carry along the columns of data below the date
headings. It would be a simple thing to just copy and paste but there is a
lot of back and forth date adjusting necessary so I need to have this third
page update live when I make changes to the dates on the first two pages. I
suppose I can use an HLOOKUP to carry the columns of data under the date
headings but my problem is finding a way to merge and order the date headings
off the two pages. Anyone have an idea how to do this?
RD Wirr

Barb Reinhardt

Tell us what you've done and where you are stuck. Give some specific
examples of what is in the cells if possible.


Hi Barb,
Thanks for taking this up. Basically I have tables of production schedule
for items that we make. The cells along the top row are shipping dates that
the items must be complteted by and in the left most column there is a list
of the item ID number.
Under the row of dates there are columns of qtys of the items that must be
completed by the date in the top row. I have two pages of scheduled items
like this that must be juggled to fine tune the schedule. I need to merge
these tables of scheduled production into a simgle page so we can get a clear
overall picture, keeping the scheduled qtys of pieces under the appropriate
dated column heading. I am looking for a solution that will update update the
merged page in realtime when we change the qts on the base data pages because
we are frequently changing the production needed to ship at a certain date.
Up to now I have just been copying and pasting the data to one page and then
doing a horizontal sort to get all the coumns and the qtys cara in the right
sequence. I can set up an blar

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