menubar question

  • Thread starter David Lightman Robles
  • Start date

David Lightman Robles

Is there any way to add a menubar to a form and force that menubar to appear
inside the form (in the upper left hand corner, as usually menus do),
instead of replacing the standard menubar (File, Edit, etc)? In other words,
I want my custom menu be attached (non floating, non movable) to the form
inside it and still have the standard MS Access menu in place.

I'm using MS Access 2003. Regards.

Albert D. Kallal

No, can not do. (I have often wished for this feature also).

Note that all of excel, word, PowerPoint etc, and yes..even ms-access are
all part of office. Thus, they all worked with the menu bar at the top of
the application (it been that way for about 10 years now). You can move
windows around..but ALWAYS have that menu bar in the same spot at the top of
the screen (you don't have to hunt for it...and note that the apple Mac
always worked that way too).

It is certainly something that your users will be familiar with.

I suppose you could create right click context menus..and some users do like
those for handy / quick menu navigating.

You could also place a bunch of buttons across the top of the form..and it
would certainly look much like a menu.....

To make things easy for users...the best approach is one that is users will
be familiar with.

I give some ideas on using menus in ms-access here:

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