Menu_id Header section vs. Detail


ann smith

I've created a food database and for the most part it works. The problem
I'm having is building a report for it. I place the "Menu Item", "Picture"
and "Procedure"
in the report wizard and it's place under the MENU_ID Header section. In
the DETAIL section, Access places my "Ingredients". All the information is
displayed correctly. It's until I move the Ingredients to the Menu_ID
Header section where only the first ingredient is shown but the rest of the
ingredient gets truncated. When I move the Ingredients back down under the
DETAIL section, everything is back to normal. Can someone please tell me
what I'm doing wrong and what a possible solution might be? Thanks, any
help is appreciated.

I'm hoping that what I've typed isn't too confusing. I wouldn't mind
e-mailing the file
to someone so they can take a look at it. It's for a project and I really
need help
figuring this part out.

Fons Ponsioen

I would not mind taking a look at it.
If you do email it, change the extension from "MDB"
to "TXT" first. otherwise it is almost sure to be deleted
as a virus.

Greg Kraushaar

I must be missing something here
My first reaction to reading this is
"If its working OK now why do you want to change it"

The way reports work, the group header displays ONCE for each group of
records that the header belongs to
The each of the details are displayed, then the header for the next
group of records, and so on.

So if you move the Detail fields into the header section, you will
only see the FIRST record that the header belongs to.
That seems to be what is happening to you.

If you want to see the Header info displayed with each detail line,
move the header stuff into the Detail section.

If you want the Header stuff displayed only on the first line of the
detail, set the HideDuplicates property for the field to Yes

Regards Greg Kraushaar
Wentworth Falls Australia
(Do not email - the reply address is a Spam spoofer)
(If you really must, remove all UCase and numbers)

Clement DeCastro

The report doesn't work the way I want it to work. What I want to do is
move the information around in the report menu to line it up the way I want.
I can't line it up the way I want if I move the "Ingredients" up to the
header field and the bottom part of the information is truncated. Is there
a way around this?

Greg Kraushaar

To line up controls on a report horizonatlly, they need to all be in
the same section (Detail or header or footer or whatever)

If they are in the header or footer, then you will only see ONE record
per group. Without seeing the details, I THINK this is what is
happening to you

If you put them all in the detail section you will be able to see all
the records.
Use The Hide Duplicates property to prevent the slowly changing values
repeating down the page.

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