Menu/SiteMap question - visibility


Seth Williams

Let's say I have an ASP.Net menu, with a datasourceID of a siteMapPath,
which of course is based on a web.sitemap file

Based on the person logged into the page, I have code in files in the
App_Code folder which gets their job code, by which I need to let some
people see some things (some root nodes and sometimes it's a sub node) and
other people not see things.
However, I don't know how to refer to the Menu Items in code
As I understand it, if I built a menu item manually, it would be something
like this:

<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Default.aspx" Text="Website Home"

But, in the web.SiteMap file, it is something like this:
<siteMapNode title="Website Home" url="~/default.aspx" description="Website

but nothing for the 'value'.
So, if I hard coded the items, The 'Text' property in the MenuItem control,
here, matches up with the title attribute in the siteMapNode.
Therefore, I could refer to them by their value (in this case, "Home"), but
if it's based on the web.SiteMap file, there's no 'value' attribute.

Any ideas here?

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

There is no value, so if you want to write your own security mechanism, it
will be much more complex.


You can use security trimmings on the provider and set security in a
web.config file to set either users or roles. You can also set the roles in
the site map file, if you would prefer, but any place with restricted roles
requires a roles="*" on parent nodes without security.

Gregory A. Beamer

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