Menu in Access 97


Bob Watson

I have a Menu in Access 97 ... button
main menu on the top. I know you
access (no pun intended) by doing
a View/ToolBars/Customize and then
check mark it. What I don't remember
is how to put a new drop-down item
into the menu. Does anyone remember

Thanks for any help,

Albert D.Kallal

You do as you suggested, (check the box...the menu bar shows).

You then select the "commands" tab of the customize dialog box.

At this point, to add MORE custom buttons, you would select the top most
"custom" on the right side, and drag that to your menu bar.

To create a NEW drop down entry, simply on the left side scroll ALL the way
down tot he last entry

The option is called

new menu

Now, drag from the right side, the new menu to anywhere on your menu bar. If
you drag it into a existing drop down, then you will create sub-menu..and
you can thus create cascading menus this way...

Once you add this new custom menu (right click to change the
text name) then use my above FIRST example on how to add a standard
button (s) to this new menu....

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