Menu form with command buttons to open variety of databases



I have a number of databases that I would now like to access through one main
menu. They are each located in different folders on a network drive. How can
I create or write the code for command buttons that would allow the users to
easily open each databases which contain their own front-end main menu(s) as
well? (Or perhaps there is a different solution that I'm not familiar with?)

Thanks in advance,


I got a main MDB with several more MDB's, to access each one of then, I
created a reference from the main MDB to the other's. (open code editor, from
the menu bar select Tools > Reference, and add the other mdb's).
After adding the other MDB's, the main mdb will recognize all the functions
that are in the other MDB's, so if you want to open a form in another mdb,
you create a function on the sub mdb that call that form, and from the main
mdb you can run this function that will open that form.

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