Menu Control



I have a master page which contains a Menu control and a SiteMapPath control,
both are bound to the same web.sitemap XML file. Say I have 2 pages, Page 1
and Page 2. Now Page 2 can only be accessed after selecting some information
on Page 1 (using a CrossPagePostback). When the user get's to Page 2, the
SiteMapPath control fails to render, obviously because Page 2 isn't in the
web.sitemap file.

If I put Page 2 in the web.sitemap file, it then get's rendered in the Menu
control, which I don't want. So, is there any way to "hide" certain nodes in
a web.sitemap file from the Menu control?

Or is there anyway I can have the SiteMapPath control render properly on
Page 2 whilst not showing it in the Menu control to the user?


Thanks for the link.

OK, I've tried to create a class inheriting the StaticSiteMapProvider but
only overriding the IsAccessibleToUser method. However, I keep getting a
'Cannot create an abstract class' when I try to run my app.

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Namespace AdamSmithCollege.Web

Public MustInherit Class CustomSiteMapProvider
Inherits SiteMapProvider

Public Overrides Function IsAccessibleToUser(ByVal context As
HttpContext, ByVal node As SiteMapNode) As Boolean
If node Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("node")
End If

If context Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("context")
End If

If Not Me.SecurityTrimmingEnabled Then
Return True
End If

If (Not node.Roles Is Nothing) And (node.Roles.Count > 0) Then
Dim role As String
For Each role In node.Roles
If Not String.Equals(role, "*",
StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
Continue For
End If

Return True
End If

Return False
End Function
End Class
End Namespace

<siteMap defaultProvider="CustomSiteMapProvider" enabled="true">
<add name="XmlSiteMapProvider"
<add name="CustomSiteMapProvider"
description="This provider overrides the IsAccessibleToUser method."
siteMapFile="Web.sitemap" />

Brock Allen

You've marked your class as "MustInherit" which means you can't create an
instance of it. To use the functionality a further dervived class is necessary.
I suspect you didn't intend this. Just remove the keyword.



Hi Brock,

Ooops, never saw that in there!

When I remove the 'MustInherit', I am then told that I must override;


I then tried to inherit the XmlSiteMapProvider as this allowed me to only
override the IsAccessibleToUser, but it didn't seem to work as expected.

In the meantime, I've cheated by having 2 sitemaps, 1 for the menu and one
for the SiteMap Control (breadcrumbs).

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