memory management problem during debugging


Welman Jordan

When I debug an application, which would consume
a considerable amount of memory, the application throws
"unhandled exception" and delivers a 500 error page to
the browser.

I find that the memory allocated by that application is
unable to reclaim. For example, I create a DataSet object,
the application quits with a exception during debugging,
the memory the DataSet consumes will not be returned to
the system, buried within the memory heap of aspnet_wp.exe.

What should I do to prevent this when debugging without installed on my machine?

S. Justin Gengo


Eventually .NET will reclaim the memory.

If you don't specifically reclaim memory yourself then the .NET garbage
collector reclaims it as necessary. There is no set time that the garbage
collector will fire so you can never be certain of exactly when the memory
will be reclaimed.

Here's an interesting article about the way the garbage collector works:


S. Justin Gengo, MCP
Web Developer / Programmer

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