Memory In Excel?



Hey all. I have been using excel for some time, but have just started
getting into the programming and other sides of Excel. For a spread
sheet that I am working on, I currently get updated prices sent to me
every week and it is about 80 prices. What I would like to do is every
week when I get the sheet and have it update other things automatically,
I would like it to store the price in one column, and then update the
price in another column, and take the differential. Is this possible?


Stock Prices I get on 6/13 - store in Current Stock Price
Stock Prices I get on 6/20 - store in Current Stock Price, and move
6/13 to last week. I then want to subtract the two.
When 6/27 comes, I want to delete 6/13, move 6/20 to where 6/13 was,
and move 6/27 to 6/20. Is that possible?

Or, is it possible to take the date, and convert it somehow to a
number, and say if column A is less than column B,copy column B to
column A? if so could someone explain that as well. Thank you.

Thank you

Ben Farkas
(e-mail address removed)

Mike NG

Or, is it possible to take the date, and convert it somehow to a
number, and say if column A is less than column B,copy column B to
column A? if so could someone explain that as well. Thank you.
Dates are actually held as numbers - relative to the 1st Jan 1970 IIRC.
The decimal part then represents the time. Just assigning your date
variable to an integer variable should do the trick


thanks, but how in a formula do you write something that says:

if date is less than another date, copy?
iknow the if statements, but how do you make it copy?

Mike NG

thanks, but how in a formula do you write something that says:

if date is less than another date, copy?
iknow the if statements, but how do you make it copy?
Sorry you need to do this in visual basic

e.g. WorkSheets("Sheet1").Cells(1,1) = WorkSheets("Sheet2").Cells(1,1)

I do some share manipulation where my shares spreadsheet opens another
workbook, then I prefix WorkSheets with something like
WorkBooks("Prices") - Prices being the name of the XLS file containing
the new share data


sorry, so one more question with this, i use what you said in VBA, but
just doing that, it woudlnt work. To actually have it have the if
statements, can you explain to me what i do? Ihave used vba a few
times, but not too much to be able towrite scripts on my own.

THank you,


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