Memo Field Not pasting correctly in XL



I tried a search and couldn't find an answer. If there is an answer to
this already please point me to it.

I'm simply copying the record in Access and trying to paste it into XL.
The problem that I'm having is one of the fields does not fully paste
into XL. It is a memo field and has 539 characters. I'm only getting
255 when I try to paste the record in XL.

I've tried copying just the contents of the cell and that worked fine.

It seems as if I'm running into some sort of limitation. Does anyone
know anything about this and is there a way to get around it? I
checked with some Access folks and no one seemed to have an answer. I
hope someone here can help.

Thanks in advance for your help.



Hi JoJo-

If you use the Data>Import External Data>New Database Query feature you can
get the complete content in one operation. You can also save the query so you
can reuse it as necessary & modify if need be.

When you copy the record directly from a table or query, only the first 255
chars. in a memo field are copied. I can't give you a technical explaination
as to why, but it most likely relates to the datasheet 'cell' being based on
a Text Box control, same as a Text Data Type. It's just that Memo allows it
to perform differently within Access.

HTH |:>)

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