Median Calculation, Dates, & Group By

  • Thread starter Thread starter Axess08
  • Start date Start date


I want to calculate the medians for a string of values that are going to be
"group by" date, specifically the year (and I would like to group by the most
current quarter as well, but let me just deal with the year first).

I have tried the median modules that were posted by John Nurick,
TimFerguson, Matthias Klay, Tom Wickerath, (in the Median Calculation post
dated 1/4/2007 to I believe 1/6/2007) and the generic one from Microsoft as
well as a few other median modules that I found elsewhere. Not all of the
modules work for me the way that they are designed because I need to get the
median for a set of values known as 'Gravita' (G) and 'Parity' (P) (which are
single integers) and I would like to filter them by year or group them by
date. Matthias's module is close, but it relies upon text values which my
years are not (and I prefer to retain as years because I have grouped other
values as this in the same query). I have this working copy of another module
which is quite accurate, but displays the median value for the entire column
of 'G' values regardless of grouping or filtering. The module is known as
"mdlmedian" and the aggregate is DMedian (which would probably explain why it
works similar to DAvg in that it refuses to be grouped). (I am not sure of
who created this module but if anyone recognizes it as their please let me
know and I will of course include their names and whatever info they want in

Option Compare Database

Option Explicit
Function DMedian( _
Expr As String, _
Domain As String, _
Optional Criteria As String = "" _
) As Variant

Dim dbMedian As DAO.Database
Dim rsMedian As DAO.Recordset
Dim dblTemp1 As Double
Dim dblTemp2 As Double
Dim lngOffset As Long
Dim lngRecCount As Long
Dim strSQL As String
Dim varMedian As Variant

strSQL = "SELECT " & Expr & " AS Data " & _
"From " & Domain & " "
strSQL = strSQL & _
"Where " & Expr & " IS NOT NULL "
If Len(Criteria) > 0 Then
strSQL = strSQL & "AND (" & Criteria & ") "
End If
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY " & Expr

Set dbMedian = CurrentDb()
Set rsMedian = dbMedian.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If rsMedian.BOF = False And _
rsMedian.EOF = False Then
lngRecCount = rsMedian.RecordCount
If lngRecCount Mod 2 <> 0 Then
lngOffset = ((lngRecCount + 1) / 2) - 2
If lngOffset >= 0 Then
rsMedian.Move -lngOffset - 1
End If
varMedian = rsMedian("Data")
lngOffset = (lngRecCount / 2) - 2
If lngOffset >= 0 Then
rsMedian.Move -lngOffset - 1
End If
dblTemp1 = rsMedian("Data")
dblTemp2 = rsMedian("Data")
varMedian = (dblTemp1 + dblTemp2) / 2
End If
varMedian = Null
End If

Set rsMedian = Nothing
Set dbMedian = Nothing

DMedian = varMedian

End Function

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get it to work with a group?

These are my headings for the queries/table that are relevant:

[Fiscal Year] (2006, 2007, etc. are the values that fall within the columns)
[Fiscal Quarter] (FY2009 Qtr 1, FY2009 Qtr2, etc. are the values that fall
within the columns) (Fiscal Year and Fiscal Quarter are Group by in the
totals in 2nd query)
[G] (Median in 2nd query)
[P] (Median in 2nd query)
[Maternal Age] (Avg in 2nd query)
[BW] (i.e. Birth Weight) (Avg in 2nd query)
Plus other Labels that are averaged in 2nd query

Any help with this would be much appreciated.

I can't claim to have written the code you posted, but my DMedian function
(and probably many others') looks very similar :-)

I think your confusion is in the fact that the Criteria argument is a
string. It is only a string because it becomes part of a SQL string to open
a recordset for determining the median.

The actual criteria can include WHERE conditions that compare non-string
fields, for example:

In your case, I expect the Criteria would be something like:
"Year([YourDateField])=" & [Fiscal year]

Good Luck :-)

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

Axess08 said:
I want to calculate the medians for a string of values that are going to be
"group by" date, specifically the year (and I would like to group by the
current quarter as well, but let me just deal with the year first).

I have tried the median modules that were posted by John Nurick,
TimFerguson, Matthias Klay, Tom Wickerath, (in the Median Calculation post
dated 1/4/2007 to I believe 1/6/2007) and the generic one from Microsoft
well as a few other median modules that I found elsewhere. Not all of the
modules work for me the way that they are designed because I need to get
median for a set of values known as 'Gravita' (G) and 'Parity' (P) (which
single integers) and I would like to filter them by year or group them by
date. Matthias's module is close, but it relies upon text values which my
years are not (and I prefer to retain as years because I have grouped
values as this in the same query). I have this working copy of another
which is quite accurate, but displays the median value for the entire
of 'G' values regardless of grouping or filtering. The module is known as
"mdlmedian" and the aggregate is DMedian (which would probably explain why
works similar to DAvg in that it refuses to be grouped). (I am not sure of
who created this module but if anyone recognizes it as their please let me
know and I will of course include their names and whatever info they want

Option Compare Database

Option Explicit
Function DMedian( _
Expr As String, _
Domain As String, _
Optional Criteria As String = "" _
) As Variant

Dim dbMedian As DAO.Database
Dim rsMedian As DAO.Recordset
Dim dblTemp1 As Double
Dim dblTemp2 As Double
Dim lngOffset As Long
Dim lngRecCount As Long
Dim strSQL As String
Dim varMedian As Variant

strSQL = "SELECT " & Expr & " AS Data " & _
"From " & Domain & " "
strSQL = strSQL & _
"Where " & Expr & " IS NOT NULL "
If Len(Criteria) > 0 Then
strSQL = strSQL & "AND (" & Criteria & ") "
End If
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY " & Expr

Set dbMedian = CurrentDb()
Set rsMedian = dbMedian.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If rsMedian.BOF = False And _
rsMedian.EOF = False Then
lngRecCount = rsMedian.RecordCount
If lngRecCount Mod 2 <> 0 Then
lngOffset = ((lngRecCount + 1) / 2) - 2
If lngOffset >= 0 Then
rsMedian.Move -lngOffset - 1
End If
varMedian = rsMedian("Data")
lngOffset = (lngRecCount / 2) - 2
If lngOffset >= 0 Then
rsMedian.Move -lngOffset - 1
End If
dblTemp1 = rsMedian("Data")
dblTemp2 = rsMedian("Data")
varMedian = (dblTemp1 + dblTemp2) / 2
End If
varMedian = Null
End If

Set rsMedian = Nothing
Set dbMedian = Nothing

DMedian = varMedian

End Function

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get it to work with a group?

These are my headings for the queries/table that are relevant:

[Fiscal Year] (2006, 2007, etc. are the values that fall within the
[Fiscal Quarter] (FY2009 Qtr 1, FY2009 Qtr2, etc. are the values that fall
within the columns) (Fiscal Year and Fiscal Quarter are Group by in the
totals in 2nd query)
[G] (Median in 2nd query)
[P] (Median in 2nd query)
[Maternal Age] (Avg in 2nd query)
[BW] (i.e. Birth Weight) (Avg in 2nd query)
Plus other Labels that are averaged in 2nd query

Any help with this would be much appreciated.