Hi JM,
The error message is complaining about your video card not being
DX8.1 compliant. What type of video card do you have installed?
Here are a few ways to identify which video card you have
installed on your computer.
1. Click Start / Run / type: dxdiag
Click the Display Tab
Look under Device for the name and manufacturer
2. Click Start / (Settings) Control Panel
Click Display
Click the Settings Tab
Click the Advanced... button
Click the Adapter Tab
3. Click Start / Run / type: msinfo32
Click on the + Components
Click on Display to see the name on the right
4. Use Belarc to see indentify your Video, Chipset and Motherboard:
5. Get the information from the manufactures website (or store)
Cheers, *Windows_XP_MVP_Shell/User*
Jimmy S.
Visit my MSN Zone.com and Gaming Help Site:
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My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
JM Wrote:
| New dell computer: B110.
| I installed game, however, it will not start. I get the following message:
| Medal of Honor Pacific Assault requires a video card that fully supports
| DirectX 8.1. This video card in this system does not fully support DirectX
| 8.1.
| I checked my DirectX version on the computer and it DirectX 9.0c. Aren't
| they compatible?
| JM