Measurements, the ruler in page layout



Why can't I type in exact column widths in the page layout ruler so that it
is exactly the same size of an object (a line, or a rectangle), say 20 cm
long (such as having 5 columns 4cm each?). Can it be done? Where can I find
out more of this??


Bob I

If you want ALL columns the same width, Pick Format, Column, Standard
Width, plug in a number, and click OK.

Gord Dibben

Row heights are measured in points or pixels. There are 72 points to an inch
and "maybe" 96 pixels to the inch.

The number that appears in the Standard column width box is the average number
of digits 0-9 of the standard font that fit in a cell.

For an interesting and enlightening discussion on this subject see

If you want to use VBA to set height and width in mm.

Ole Erlandson has code for setting row and column dimensions.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP


Thanks very much for both messages. The purpose for which it would be great
to set column widths exactly is that we produce financial models (finacial
projections, up to 20 rows deep and typically 10 columns wide) that then form
part of powerpoint presentations (not for screen shows, but for financing
"pitch books"). In the format of our Powerpoint presentations, the space I've
created is exactly 22.5 cm wide, and so I thought if I can make things look
exactly right in Excel 2007 (and to be exactly 22.5 cm wide), I could then
cut/paste special as a wmf or some such file scaled to exactly 100% and have
it fit perfectly in our company-wide PPT presentation templates. Given all
the above, is there a better way?? Am also using PPT 2007.

Thanks again,

Gord Dibben


Other than running the code from Ole's site I do not know of a method to set
column widths and row heights to exact measurements in mm.



Thanks Gord. Will give the code a try and see how things work. Appreciate the

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