Meaning of this USB message

  • Thread starter Thread starter ML
  • Start date Start date


Was using this scanner and later it failed. Restarted PC and scanner got this
message "USB device not recognized - one o the USB devices attached to this
computer has malfunctioned, and windows does not not recognize it."

Should I take this message literally that this scanner is spoiled, even
though the PowerOn light & the scanning bed light are still showing?

Something inside the the scanner's USB ID chip has stopped

So, is it really dead?

Power down the PC and scanner.
Connect the scanner to different USB port/connector.
Power up the PC but keep the scanner off.
After the PC has finished booting, all the tray apps
have loaded and the PC is at idle then power up the
scanner and see if the PC recognizes a new device.
Then try using the scanner.
ML said:
Was using this scanner and later it failed. Restarted PC and scanner got
message "USB device not recognized - one o the USB devices attached to
computer has malfunctioned, and windows does not not recognize it."

Should I take this message literally that this scanner is spoiled, even
though the PowerOn light & the scanning bed light are still showing?

Something inside the the scanner's USB ID chip has stopped

So, is it really dead?


Try it on another system. Be sure to install the drivers *first*

JS said:
Power down the PC and scanner.
Connect the scanner to different USB port/connector.
Power up the PC but keep the scanner off.
After the PC has finished booting, all the tray apps
have loaded and the PC is at idle then power up the
scanner and see if the PC recognizes a new device.
Then try using the scanner.

This will only work if the scanner is not electronically serial numbered.
If it is, then the PC will use the existing instance of the driver.
Se if this solves you problem:

Step By Step Instructions:
1) Disconnect the scanner.
2) Uninstall the scanner software and twain drivers using
the Add/Remove programs option.
3) Look/search for folders associated with your scanner model that
contain 'Twain' files, if the folder(s) still exist after the uninstall,
then delete these files and the associated folders.

Note: In the list of files that Search has found you can ignore any
files listed in:

NOTE: In the C:\WINDOWS\twain_32 folder you may have
one or more files. The one "not to delete" is named: wiatwain.ds
(wiatwain.ds is installed by Windows XP)
Any additional files in this folder were most likely created when you
installed the scanner. Check each files 'Properties' and if has the
brand of your scanner (Epson, Cannon, HP, Etc) identified as the
company/brand, those files can be safely deleted.

On my PC I have my HP scanner's twain file located in:
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Precisionscan Pro 3.1\TwainCtrl.ocx
There should be something similar on your PC, so in my case at least
I would uninstall the HP Scanner software and if that 'TwainCtrl.ocx file
is still there after uninstalling the scanner software I would delete it.
I also have a second twain file named 'Twain_32.dll' located in:
C:\Program Files\Adaptec\Easy CD Creator 5\PhotoRelay

4) Check Device Manager and remove any entries if necessary.
5) Create a Restore Point
6) Scan registry using the brand name/make of the scanner as key word for
search. (Delete any entries found, but be certain it's a scanner related
7) Reboot the PC and once again check Device Manager,
it should not show any listings for the printer/scanner.
8) Now reinstall the software and twain drivers.
9) Shutdown the PC.
10) With the PC power off, connect the scanner and then
restart/boot to Windows.

One easy way to test your software installation's twain driver are working,
is to use a graphics editor named IrfanView.

If you download, install and run this software,
located in the menu bar is an option named 'File'.
On selecting the 'File' option you should find an
option (near the bottom of the list) to named:
'Select TWAIN Source', click on this option
and a popup should then display valid Twain sources
for you scanner. If you see your scanner listed,
select it, and then try to scan an object (Photo).

By selecting Twain Source from the file menu IrfanView should load
your scanner's software and then scan.

If you choose the 'Copy Shop' option also in the file menu you have the
ability to bypass your scanner's software and directly scan a photo into
IrfanView. Try the 'Copy Shop' option and let me know what happens.
Note that 'Copy Shop' will list both your scanner's Photo editing/scanning
software and the hardware name (make & model) of your scanner when
you click on Copy Shop's 'Select Twain Source' button.
You should choose the scanner's hardware option.

For instance on my PC the Photo editing/scanner software is named:
'HP Precisionscan Pro 3.1'
The second entry in Copy Shop's 'Select Twain Source' list is my scanner
make and model which shows as:
'WIA-Hewlett-Packard Scanjet 5470C 1.0'

So for me when using Copy Shop I select the second entry when
asked to select a Twain Source.
I then check the 'Show Twain Preview' box.
(I check this option so the scanned image does not go directly
to the printer, but instead is displayed in IrfanView).
Next I click the 'Start' button located a the bottom of the Copy Shop
window to start the scan.
JS said:
Se if this solves you problem:

Step By Step Instructions:
1) Disconnect the scanner.
2) Uninstall the scanner software and twain drivers using
the Add/Remove programs option.
3) Look/search for folders associated with your scanner model that
contain 'Twain' files, if the folder(s) still exist after the uninstall,
then delete these files and the associated folders.

Note: In the list of files that Search has found you can ignore any
files listed in:

NOTE: In the C:\WINDOWS\twain_32 folder you may have
one or more files. The one "not to delete" is named: wiatwain.ds
(wiatwain.ds is installed by Windows XP)
Any additional files in this folder were most likely created when you
installed the scanner. Check each files 'Properties' and if has the
brand of your scanner (Epson, Cannon, HP, Etc) identified as the
company/brand, those files can be safely deleted.

On my PC I have my HP scanner's twain file located in:
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Precisionscan Pro 3.1\TwainCtrl.ocx
There should be something similar on your PC, so in my case at least
I would uninstall the HP Scanner software and if that 'TwainCtrl.ocx file
is still there after uninstalling the scanner software I would delete it.
I also have a second twain file named 'Twain_32.dll' located in:
C:\Program Files\Adaptec\Easy CD Creator 5\PhotoRelay

4) Check Device Manager and remove any entries if necessary.
5) Create a Restore Point
6) Scan registry using the brand name/make of the scanner as key word for
search. (Delete any entries found, but be certain it's a scanner related
7) Reboot the PC and once again check Device Manager,
it should not show any listings for the printer/scanner.
8) Now reinstall the software and twain drivers.
9) Shutdown the PC.
10) With the PC power off, connect the scanner and then
restart/boot to Windows.

No arguments - apart from: why connect the scanner with the PC pwered off in
step 9 and 10? Plug and Play will detect the scanner as soon as it's
plugged in with the PC powered on. In any case, many scanner installations
require the scanner to be connected as part of the software installation.
It's more of a safety measure so that there is
no accidental installation of the software with
the scanner installed. It's also reboots the PC
after the installations has completed which may
help in a rare instance or two.

Unfortunately some scanners need the software
installed first and some don't.

Remove & Install software from the CD and did the followings:

1) I start the scanner's UI, click the scan button and the message was
"Scanner could not be initialized (Scanner not found).

2) In the Control Panel > Scanner & Camera, could not find the scanner there.

3) Use other softwares on PC to acquire the scanner but acquire was grey out.
Another software did not find WIA compatible device. Thus, I believe
IrfanView should return the same message.

4) Tested that scanner on another PC and had the same message as mentioned
in the original post.

I think the scanner is gone.
