Me, a new OS beta tester...?!


Kevin John Panzke

It would be a Violation of the American's with Disabilities Act (if they cut
me off), just FYI.

Kevin John Panzke

All they have to do is Read Most of the Posts from this Newsgroup (like
Peter Foldes Posts, for Example), and they will notice that you guys are
Picking on me just because I am Different from everyone else.

Kevin John Panzke

My Router Does That for me, just FYI.

Frank said:
You moron, they don't care if your mother's name is on the bill, it's the
electronic address they care about and you're too stupid to know how to
spoof it!
As soon as your ISP gets just one complaint, and they already have,
they'll start to monitor your account.


Kevin said:
It would be a Violation of the American's with Disabilities Act (if they cut
me off), just FYI.
Sorry pal, but your mental condition is not a factor!


Kevin said:
All they have to do is Read Most of the Posts from this Newsgroup (like
Peter Foldes Posts, for Example), and they will notice that you guys are
Picking on me just because I am Different from everyone else.

You've beem warned!

Zack Whittaker

I reckon everyone should block him - simple as. Essentially it'd mean
splitting the NG in half - those who can see him and those who can't - I
guess it'd be a bit like the Matrix, but less annoying.

Zack Whittaker
» ZackNET Enterprises:
» MSBlog on ResDev:
» Vista Knowledge Base:
» This mailing is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. All opinions expressed are those of myself unless stated so, and not
of my employer, best friend, Ghandi, my mother or my cat. Glad we cleared
that up!

--: Original message follows :--


You realise a lot of the time that neowin and paul thurrott is pure
speculation? Nothing they say can be set in stone. Oh, and having read a
*lot* of your posts over the last few days, I have a small request
(note, I'm asking politely), can you please stop putting "just FYI" at
the end of your posts please. Just FYI, it's slightly annoying...

Live Messenger FAQs -

Homer J. Simpson

I am going to be Very Angry at Microsoft if us MSDN Tester's Don't get a
New Build on Monday, May 22nd, 2006 (Which is When Beta 2 is Supposed to
Come Out, at least According to PT from, just

You're gonna be "Very Angry" at Microsoft for not delivering something by a
date "promised" on a web site that is not even affiliated with Microsoft?

Hey, Kevin, I heard GM was coming out next year with a car that does 120mpg,
and sell it for US$5K. How great is that?! You should place your order
now. You can quote me on that. In fact, Google's Usenet archive will take
care of that. I guess that makes it official enough.

Homer J. Simpson

Hey, Zack! If we all block him, he'll be stuck talking to himself. Boy,
won't that be a kick; sitting there in the corner arguing with himself.

He'd still get upset at the responses he'd get.

Homer J. Simpson

All they have to do is Read Most of the Posts from this Newsgroup (like
Peter Foldes Posts, for Example), and they will notice that you guys are
Picking on me just because I am Different from everyone else.

I wasn't aware that having some sort of disability gave anyone a license to
act as a major PITA to the Usenet community.

Obviously, people aren't picking on you for the reasons you think.

Zack Whittaker

Who cares?

Zack Whittaker
» ZackNET Enterprises:
» MSBlog on ResDev:
» Vista Knowledge Base:
» This mailing is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. All opinions expressed are those of myself unless stated so, and not
of my employer, best friend, Ghandi, my mother or my cat. Glad we cleared
that up!

--: Original message follows :--


Kevin said:
So if you don't like my Spam (I prefer to call it Complaint's to Microsoft,
However), you can Opt-Out by Blocking me as a Sender.

Or, one could just block out the posts that contain "just FYI" or
"P.S.S.S" (mabey P.S*?). ;)

AMD64 3200 CPU
1 gig ram
dual 120gb sata HDDs
AGP 8X ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256mb
Soundblaster Audigy 2

Triple Boot (all 32 bit):
Fedora Core 4
Vista 5308


Homer said:
I wasn't aware that having some sort of disability gave anyone a license to
act as a major PITA to the Usenet community.

Obviously, people aren't picking on you for the reasons you think.

Kevin is retarded?!? (I know his issue was only specified as a
'handicap', but due to the nature and quantity of his posts, severe
mental impairment or handicap seems like the only logical conclusion).
Poor guy!

AMD64 3200 CPU
1 gig ram
dual 120gb sata HDDs
AGP 8X ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256mb
Soundblaster Audigy 2

Triple Boot (all 32 bit):
Fedora Core 4
Vista 5308

Kevin John Panzke

P.S. Just in case you haven't noticed the following: I am Not the Only One
who is Angry at Microsoft for Not Releasing the April CTP (There are a Whole
Lot More Angry MSDN Tester's in microsoft.public.msdn.general).

DJ Bjorklund

Well thank you Nancy
I think I'm looking forward to it. Given its a late beta, I also
think it'll be OK in general.


Doesn't matter; you're using the connection, and if abuse happens, the owner
of the connection will be cut off. Which means you'll be cut off too.

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