mde conversion



I have a MDB that is close to 71mb. I have approx. 11 tables and 15 forms.
I really need all these functions. I wanted to convert to MDE but it says
that there are too many ID fields and it can not convert. Is there another
Program that I should be using to help handle a database of this size. I add
approx 4000 records a month to the database.

Thanks in advance...Jen


Try compacting and repairing first, then check that no errors are found in
any vb code you may have in your database forms or modules, if the problem
persists, check the knwoledge database in and search fot the
exact error text you are receiving

Albert D.Kallal

You file size does not sound right.

What is the size of the file after a compact and repair (sorting you likely
do daily when developing).?

Further, when you are looking at code, does the application compile ok?
(I compile my code after EACH change to code...and so should you).

I have a medium sized application with about 27,000 lines of code, 160
forms. The whole application is LESS then 6 megs. In fact, I can still zip
resulting mde file on to a SINGLE floppy disk for transfer between pc's.

You file size sounds way way out of whack here. Either you are not
on a regular bases, or perhaps you are using graphics backgrounds for your
forms. Any graphics behind forms tends to be a really messy affair, and then
you get this large huge file. If you remove the graphics, you get a nice
tight application hat can fit on one floppy as a zip file. So, use much
caution with graphics..and use them sparely...

I would first do a compact and repair, and then take a look at the file
size. I would then check to see if the code in the application compiles
BEFORE you try and make a mde.

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