McAfee XP



The following is repeat of a previous post I put out there. I am still having
the same problem and my antivirus, when it does run, says my computer is
virus free. Any help would be appreciated.
Whenever I run McAfee virus scan version 10 my
computer completely shuts down at some point during the scan. However if I
reboot and run scan a second time it runs fine. Any help would be
appreciated. I am using Windows XP with all updates installed. Thanks.

Michael T

A poster with a similar problem last April was instructed to do the
Close Internet Explorer and delete contents of the Temporary Internet Folder
cache (TIF)
start --> settings --> control panel --> internet options --> delete files

Open a Command Prompt. (Start --> Run --> then type cmd

At the Command Prompt type the following...


If it replies..
"Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process.
Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the
system restarts? (Y/N)"

Choose - Y

type; EXIT

Reboot the PC.

A full Check Disk will want to be performed, allow it. (This may take up to
an hour.)

When it reboots, perform a defrag of the hard disk.

Start --> run -->
type; dfrg.msc


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