Maxthon works.


John Corliss

Aaron said:
So it has nothing to do with the copy of MSSoap you said you found at
the beginning of this thread? :)

I would presume not. However, I don't need MSSoap on my system anyway
and it's going to stay removed.
You don't use tab browsing???
What are you doing with mozilla or a IEshell then?

In Mozilla, I use the Tab Killer extension:

but I didn't say "I don't use tab browsing" rather "I don't use tab
browsing in Moz". I'm giving tab browsing a try with Maxtor.

"Warning: these options actually exist for internal fine-tuning and
debugging purposes and are not meant to be changed by the normal user.
They are kind of Voodoo to anyone not intimately familiar with Gecko,
because they are not explained anywhere outside of the source.

The default values are as optimized as possible for a wide range of
different connection types and system speeds. Experimenting with some
of the values might improve perceived rendering speed by forcing Gecko
to show page contents earlier, but might also have a reverse influence
on total page load times. Test thoroughly on your system, as far as it
is possible."

Thanks but no thanks. I'm afraid that's just too much work anyway.

Regards from John Corliss
No adware, cdware, commercial software, crippleware, demoware,
nagware, shareware, spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses
or warez please.

I STILL have Andy Mabbett killfiled. He contributes nothing to this group.

Tim Weaver

BillR said:
I won't address your comparative rating (implementation by GB is better)
-- they're yours. I will challenge your statements and some
implications. You should review the features available in Maxthon more

See other post.


BillR -
After I posted that, I started thinking about it and wondered if I *had* try
out the most recent version. I hadn't!
<red face>

It happens. The ones we remember are usually qute public, as well. I wish
more people would emulate your open mindedness and responsibility. (I am
perfect, of course.) <vbg> Welcome to the ranks of Maxthon users.

I, for one, look forward to the flowering once again of alternative browsers
and shells. I hope we still have a dozen serious contenders next year. IE
is soooo dated. I keep wanting to like Firefox, but it has a lo-o-ong way
to go before it will be remotely suitable for non-geeks who like to tinker
or people who just want to play around. For better or worse, I think it
does have the best chance to seriously challenge IE.


JP Loken


I find the whole memory argument hilarious. That's what the memory is
for, to run programs faster. It's only a problem when it slows the rest
of the machine down to a point where it makes you less productive. If
you used AvantBrowser for more than a year but just discovered the
resources it was using, then I suggest you are creating false economy.
What else is system RAM for, but to be used.
John Corliss is obviously an advanced user, but has only 256 MB RAM, and
the OS is the leaky Windows Millennium.
A difference in memory usage of almost 60 MB that I experienced back then
makes a difference when using other applications simultaneously.

On creating false economy: I was not competent enough to understand it.
I'm still in a steep learning process.

(To be fair to Avant Browser: On investigating today I see that for
instance CNET is more positive now than when I converted, and they don't
make heavy memory usage a negative issue any more.)


Funny how quickly you switch from Maxthon is "soooooooooo
sssssssslllllllloooooooowwwwwwwllllllllyyyyyyy" compared to mozilla to
loads "almost instantly".

Time to check whether you have mozilla setup correctly me thinks :)
Ive tried mozilla ,opera,firefox and all are noticably slower than IE and
way slower than myie2 or maxthon.Many users of the other browsers sometimes
cant believe it but its nevertheless ,the case on my 98 system.

Bob Adkins

After I posted that, I started thinking about it and wondered if I *had* try
out the most recent version. I hadn't! I must now take back the "not as
kind" things I said about Maxthon. The current version pretty much matches
the functionality of GB. I only have two nits - Better management of groups
and clean histories.

I like the way Maxthon allows closing the current group when opening a new
group. It's in the advanced options.

I find that history cleaning works great. You can choose to clean it every
time you quit Maxthon.
As of two minutes before posting this, Maxthon became my default browser.

I want FireFox to be my default browser. I keep waiting for them to make it
suit me a tad more. Meanwhile, Maxthon is just fine.

-- Bob

Simone Murdock

Ive tried mozilla ,opera,firefox and all are noticably slower than IE and
way slower than myie2 or maxthon

Talking about speed, Maxthon is slower than his "brothers" in opening
Favorite's menu (Green & Avant are faster, also using system icons)

"Try not! Do, or do not. There is no try."
by Yoda, Jedi Master (from anonymous poster)
( remove/togli 'FalselinK' to reply/per rispondere )


I like the way Maxthon allows closing the current group when opening a new
group. It's in the advanced options.

I find that history cleaning works great. You can choose to clean it every
time you quit Maxthon.

I want FireFox to be my default browser. I keep waiting for them to make it
suit me a tad more. Meanwhile, Maxthon is just fine.

-- Bob

Here! Here!

I really want to like Firefox.... and will switch (gladly) once my
'frustration factors' are solved (memory usage with my chosen extensions
and the exponential crashing the longer it is set as my default browser).

The name 'Maxthon" sucks... so in my house it's still MYIE2....and the IE
and Maxthon plug-ins do just what I want and need them to do. 'Type and
Find' is all I miss.

Bob Adkins

The name 'Maxthon" sucks... so in my house it's still MYIE2....and the IE
and Maxthon plug-ins do just what I want and need them to do. 'Type and
Find' is all I miss.

Yea, Maxthon isn't such an endearing name, is it? I don't think MyIE2 is
such a great name either. Hey, as long as it works, they can call it "Raw
Chicken Liver" and I'll still use it. I'm not proud that way. :)

I think someone is working on Type-and-Find for Maxthon.

Do you like/use the "super drag-and-drop"?

-- Bob


John said:
In Mozilla, I use the Tab Killer extension:

but I didn't say "I don't use tab browsing" rather "I don't use tab
browsing in Moz". I'm giving tab browsing a try with Maxtor.

That's what I said, looks like you are not giving mozilla a fair chance
when you were using it.

"Warning: these options actually exist for internal fine-tuning and
debugging purposes and are not meant to be changed by the normal user.
They are kind of Voodoo to anyone not intimately familiar with Gecko,
because they are not explained anywhere outside of the source.

The default values are as optimized as possible for a wide range of
different connection types and system speeds. Experimenting with some of
the values might improve perceived rendering speed by forcing Gecko to
show page contents earlier, but might also have a reverse influence on
total page load times. Test thoroughly on your system, as far as it is

Thanks but no thanks. I'm afraid that's just too much work anyway.

Actually my experience is the settings are optimised for dialup users.
You are on a fast connection you will probably benefit most from a few
simple settings.
I myself have.


JP Loken said:
John Corliss is obviously an advanced user, but has only 256 MB RAM,
and the OS is the leaky Windows Millennium.
A difference in memory usage of almost 60 MB that I experienced back
then makes a difference when using other applications simultaneously.

That is an absolutely correct statement. As I said though, if you were
using it for over a year and had no idea it was slowing down your
machine, it would seem you either did not notice it, or that you had not
been running enough simultaneous apps that it made a difference. My
comment had nothing to do with the OPs search for a new browser, rather
just the whole memory useage thing.
On creating false economy: I was not competent enough to understand
it. I'm still in a steep learning process.

Many users thing that a programs memory footprint directly indicates the
programs quality or usefulness. A large memory footprint isn't
necessarily bad and may in fact enhance the apps speed and untility. The
false economy thing is just a reference to the notion that many computer
users really economize the use of memory, and for the most part end up
with much more memory than they'll ever use. Ideally you want to make
sure you have enough memory to serve your requirements but excess is
waste. Not a big deal with current memory prices, but if you have it,
feel free to use it.

(To be fair to Avant Browser: On investigating today I see that for
instance CNET is more positive now than when I converted, and they
don't make heavy memory usage a negative issue any more.)
It's only a negative if it affects your computer use that way.


Talking about speed, Maxthon is slower than his "brothers" in opening
Favorite's menu (Green & Avant are faster, also using system icons)

"Try not! Do, or do not. There is no try."
by Yoda, Jedi Master (from anonymous poster)
( remove/togli 'FalselinK' to reply/per rispondere )
Im not sure about others results but myie2 (v0.9.27.68) favourites menu
opens instantaneously on my machine.I dont use maxthon as it causes some
bsods for whatever reason.I havent tried avant or green browser though.

Bob Adkins

waste. Not a big deal with current memory prices, but if you have it,

And I want to know where you get your memory! :(

But your comment is well taken. The only time you should fuss to find the
smallest memory footprint is when you are having excessive slowdown with
incessant HDD reading.

Having said that, I rate programs with small memory footprint higher,
because it hints at superior programming. Besides, some people only have
128mb of RAM or even less.

-- Bob


Yea, Maxthon isn't such an endearing name, is it? I don't think MyIE2 is
such a great name either. Hey, as long as it works, they can call it "Raw
Chicken Liver" and I'll still use it. I'm not proud that way. :)

I think someone is working on Type-and-Find for Maxthon.

Do you like/use the "super drag-and-drop"?

-- Bob

'Super Drag and Drop' was the original feature that kept me coming back to
MYIE2. I did like the FF extension with the same capabilities and was
(still) waiting for the developer to add additional capabilities i.e.
different search engine depending on which direction you drug the mouse.
Type-and Find would be an excellent addition to Maxthon.


P.S. "Raw Chicken Liver" does have a nice ring to it though.....think I'll
start using it! :)

JP Loken

That is an absolutely correct statement. As I said though, if you were
using it for over a year and had no idea it was slowing down your
machine, it would seem you either did not notice it, or that you had not
been running enough simultaneous apps that it made a difference. My
comment had nothing to do with the OPs search for a new browser, rather
just the whole memory useage thing. SNIP
Many users thing that a programs memory footprint directly indicates the
programs quality or usefulness. A large memory footprint isn't
necessarily bad and may in fact enhance the apps speed and untility. The
false economy thing is just a reference to the notion that many computer
users really economize the use of memory, and for the most part end up
with much more memory than they'll ever use. Ideally you want to make
sure you have enough memory to serve your requirements but excess is
waste. Not a big deal with current memory prices, but if you have it,
feel free to use it.

Thanks for your answer. You're right. Never thought of it that way.

John Corliss

jo said:
No he didn't.

Andy's a lucky guy I'm mellow. Where I'm from, those kinds of words
can lead to a very serious ass whipping or even death and that ain't
no shit.

Being a biker, I have several friends who if Andy was directing his
venom towards them, would not hesitate to travel all the way to
Birmingham to **** him up.

But as I say, I'm not that kind of person and it's me he's directing
his spew towards. I guarantee you though, he hasn't the balls to say
something like that to my face. He only does it because he knows
there's 5000 miles between us and he's a cowardly, skulking troll
stalking me safely from behind his keyboard.

However, that's all right. Andy will get his karma eventually. People
like him always do. That's been my experience in life. You can't spend
your days pissing people off without getting pissed on and pissed on
hard. So go ahead Andy, keep it up. You've got a serious attitude
adjustment heading your way from some direction, I guarantee it.

You're right. Andy Mabbett seems to have some kind of neurotic,
mental obsession about me. There's no point in arguing with him
because he lives to troll. That and to stalk me and to waste his life
writing shit about Pink Floyd. They're a good group, but certainly
nothing to obsess about like he does. And he does it poorly:

On the other hand, Andy is an obsessive kind of guy. Just kind of
simple minded though. Kind of sad really.

It's also true that he's contributed very little to this group. I
think just about anybody who's been here for any length of time will
verify that.

Regards from John Corliss
No adware, cdware, commercial software, crippleware, demoware,
nagware, shareware, spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses
or warez please.

I *still* have Andy Mabbett killfiled. Can't see anything he posts
unless it's quoted.

Andy Mabbett

John Corliss said:
Andy's a lucky guy I'm mellow. Where I'm from, those kinds of words can
lead to a very serious ass whipping or even death and that ain't no

Being a biker, I have several friends who if Andy was directing his
venom towards them, would not hesitate to travel all the way to
Birmingham to **** him up.

I guarantee to you though, Corliss hasn't the balls to say something
like that to my face. He only does it because he knows there's 5000
miles between us and he's a cowardly, skulking troll stalking me safely
from behind his keyboard.
However, that's all right. Andy will get his karma eventually. People
like him always do.

You must be in for a big heap of shit in your life then, you stinking

And you believe that self- contradictory rubbish?
On the other hand, Andy is an obsessive kind of guy. Just kind of
simple minded though. Kind of sad really.

See how many times mention you in my sig.
See how many tomes I forge your identity to maliciously subscribe you to
mailing lists
See how many times I post in other, unrelated, groups which you use.
It's also true that he's contributed very little to this group.

Very little? It was "nothing" a few posts ago.

You're a liar.

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