Maximum Rows for a table



In Access 2000, what is the recommended maximum number of rows in a table?
Is there also a maximum number of columns that works well with that?

Thank you,


In Access 2000, what is the recommended maximum number of rows in a table?
Is there also a maximum number of columns that works well with that?

Thank you,

There are no 'maximum' number of rows. Only the maximum size of the
entire database.... 2 GB.

See Access help for more information:
Specifications + Access specifications.

Douglas J. Steele

fredg said:
There are no 'maximum' number of rows. Only the maximum size of the
entire database.... 2 GB.

There is, however, a maximum number of columns: 255

In general, though, if you have any more than 20 or 30 fields in a single
table, chances are you haven't normalized your database properly.


Thank you both so much.

Is there a point where the number of rows will affect performance dispite
the size of the database?

Thank you again,

John Spencer

That depends on how you are using the data. If you return all the
records from a table it will take longer and longer to do things.
However, good design would normally limit the number of records you are
working with at one time to no more that a few hundred and usually more
like 10 or 15 max.

I have tables with over a million rows, but I rarely use more than 75 or
so at any one time. With indexes on the fields that I use for selection
the response time is usually less than a second.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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