MAXIMIZE Word window problem...



OK, here's a weird one:

When I open my Office Word Program (2003) MAXIMIZED it doesn't fill the
whole screen! It doesn't reach the top of the screen, leaving about, oh
1/10th of the window behind it (other program, desktop, whatever) visible.
ALSO the BOTTOM 1/10th (i.e. bottom of document, horizontal scroll bar, etc.)
is off the screen altogether and unreachable by my mouse icon.

Because it isn't "Restored Down" into a smaller window I CANNOT drag on the
title bar to reposition the window -- it certainly THINKS its full screen as
it's basically locked into this position.

When I do "restore down" I am able to reposition, resize as usual, but as
soon as I maximize again, it pops back into the incorrect position.

FYI: None of my other programs are currently doing this. I have never
experienced this problem with any previous versions of this program (or
indeed ANY program EVER) so any guidance anyone can throw my way would be
greatly appreciated.

Maybe some mystery thing got toggled on or off somewhere?

Thanks in advance!


Word Heretic

G'day "mikekingjr" <[email protected]>,

OS problem usually.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from (Email replies require payment)

mikekingjr reckoned:


I have exactly the same problem but it seems to happen only when Outlook 2003
is open. This is certainly a weird glitch.--Tom


I have also experienced this problem. Hopefully there will be a fix/update
posted for this soon.


I have a very similar problem. However, if I open a document I can get to
full screen maximized.

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