Max values from 2 ws and a range



Attached is an excel file. There are two worksheets. In Worksheet
are 2 names with multiple dates and lab values. In Worksheet 2 is th
name with a blank space for labs and dates. I need put in the blan
lab and date fields on worksheet 2 the most recent date with associate
lab value.

Thanks to Steveg on a very similar topic we are using the formul
to get a value if there was only one to chose from on seperat
worksheets. The only problem I am having with this formula in my ol
case, is that it is not working when the values are textual.

Thanks for the help,

|Filename: Forum


we don't attache or look at workbooks around here.
if you can't explain your issue...
break it down into individual questions and ask 1 question per issue
otherwise I can GUARENTEE you that you will not get an answer


See attachment

Hope it helps

we don't attache or look at workbooks around here.
if you can't explain your issue...
break it down into individual questions and ask 1 question per issue
otherwise I can GUARENTEE you that you will not get an answer

|Filename: Forum |
|Download: |


Thanks for the help Morrigan unfortunately the formula assumes that I
know the most recent date. In my real spreadsheet I have thousands of
patients with 1 to 20 different dates and I want the formula to be able
to find the most recent date of that one patient and their associated
value. Does that make sense? Thanks for helping, Wendi


Morrigan just took a VERY courageous move by opening a file from someone he
COULD NOT TRUST!!! Please recognize his RISK by giving him a 'Yes' to his
helpful post.!!!
Morrigan, you've just risked/lost one of your nine lives. Hope your LUCK


I think you lost me.

The formula in column E finds the most recent date for each patient and
outputs it. The formula in colum D searches for the corresponding value
and outputs. Isn't that how you want?


Morrigan, yes that is exactly what I was looking for. I should have
looked more closely. Thanks for the response!! At least someone is
very helpful!!

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