Max Request Length (different settings in same site)



I currently let users upload files (graphics) to a Web site. I want to limit
the size of graphics, so I have the following in Web.config
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="110" />

That works just fine.

But now I want to add another page where the users can upload a file. This
time an Excel file. I'd like to enable uploading Excel files larger than
110K, so how can I enable that while keeping the 110K limit on graphics?


Juan T. Llibre

Use a different IIS Application for uploading Excel files.

The httpRuntime element is an application-wide setting.

Or, increase the file size limit.

How much bigger than 110K are the Excel files ?
Couldn't you raise the limit a bit until it covers the expected Excel file sizes ?

Juan T. Llibre, ASP.NET MVP
Foros de ASP.NET en Español :


<< Use a different IIS Application for uploading Excel files >>

I'm happy to give that a shot. Can I do that in the same Web site? What
about authentication. The customer must log in before he can access admin
pages. I'd hate to require him to log in twice (or separately to upload the
Excel file).

<< How much bigger than 110K are the Excel files ? >>

I'm not sure yet. The customer will be maintaining a parts catalog inventory
in Excel that gets uploaded to the Web site where I'll validate and transfer
the Excel content to a SQL Server db that supports the online catalog. I
know he has about 2000 parts.

Of course I could always just raise the limit and severely punish him if he
uploads graphics that I arbitrarily deem as "too big". Maybe I will
confiscate his mouse for a day for each infraction.


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