Max Price and Min Price paid for an item - Rephrsed



Thanks for your response Rick,
I was really very poor with my explanation but here it is:
I have 2 sheets as follow:
1 with a list af purchases done thru the year showing
Part # Purch Ord # QTY Total Cost Date

The Part # can be received several time during the period range then I setup
the "sheet2" where I summarized all the receiving by part #.
layout of the sheet is as follow:
Part # QTY Total Cost Avg Cost Max Price
Min Price

The part # is unique, Total cost is the summary af all the cost for the
part, QTY is the summary of units received for that part and Average cost is
Total Cost/QTY.
Then my problem is that I do not know how to get the Maximun price paid for
the specific part and the minimun price paid for the same price.

Thanks in advance for your help


Ashish Mathur


You can use the following array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter)



Ashish Mathur
Microsoft Excel MVP

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