Max # crosstab query column headers?



Can I increase the maximum number of column headers in crosstab querys? I've
determined the max is 255, I have a dataset w/ 268 column headers...any


Duane, When you say 255 columns do you mean row headers (as the wizard
defines it?). The reason I ask is I am a new access user and want to use
crosstab to transpose large datasets from excel. The wizard specifies three
row headers as max. Is there a way to create the crosstab query in design
mode and include more than three columns of data?


John Spencer

A query (any query) can return a maximum of 255 columns (fields).

The crosstab wizard may limit you to 3 row headers (3 field columns) but
you can put in many more.

There is not a way to change the maximum number of columns. You can
sub-divide the columns you want to return into two queries by
controlling the criteria of the value you use for column headers, but
you will have two queries with the data and you still cannot exceed the
255 column (field) limit.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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