math conversions



Are there any classes that do the conversions from
hex2Dec(), dec2Hex()

decimal, hex, octal ..and back to a Base
or do i have to implement them myself based
on existing conversion utilities in Net


David R. Longnecker


I'm not sure about an actual method for it, but Hex-> Dec, you can use the
Int32.Parse method.

string hexString = "000a01af";
int intOutput = Int32.Parse(hexString, NumberStyles.HexNumber);

NumberStyles is part of the System.Globalization namespace.

For Dec -> Hex, a String.Format should work in most cases (using integer
from above) :

UInt32 unicodeInt = Convert.ToUInt32(intOutput);
string hexOutput = String.Format("{0:x2}", unicodeInt);

Octal and others... I'm not sure, but I'd assume _someone_ has come up with
the libraries or at least has posted the source code somewhere.



David R. Longnecker

M> Hello,
M> Are there any classes that do the conversions from
M> hex2Dec(), dec2Hex()
M> decimal, hex, octal ..and back to a Base
M> or do i have to implement them myself based
M> on existing conversion utilities in Net
M> Thanks


MikeJ said:
Are there any classes that do the conversions from
hex2Dec(), dec2Hex()

decimal, hex, octal ..and back to a Base
or do i have to implement them myself based
on existing conversion utilities in Net

A very general approach:

private static string DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF";
private static int FromAny(string s, int radix)
int res = 0;
char[] sa = s.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
res = res * radix + DIGITS.IndexOf(sa);
return res;
private static string ToAny(int i, int radix)
string res = "";
int tmp = i;
while (tmp > 0) {
res = DIGITS.ToCharArray()[tmp % radix] + res;
tmp = tmp / radix;
return res;
public static int FromDec(string s)
return FromAny(s, 10);
public static string ToDec(int i)
return ToAny(i, 10);
public static int FromHex(string s)
return FromAny(s, 16);
public static string ToHex(int i)
return ToAny(i, 16);
public static int FromBin(string s)
return FromAny(s, 2);
public static string ToBin(int i)
return ToAny(i, 2);


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