Matching Items



I could use some help with following problem. I am having problems getting
correct formula and normally there are people much smarter then I in the
discussion group. What I have is a workbook with 4 worksheets and on on of
the worksheets I have a layout like this. (sheet 1)
1 Name Origin Driver #
2 Mrs Soandso 125 anywhere
3 Mr. Someone 327 anywhere

Drver numbers are blank

On another worksheet(sheet 3) I have a list of subscriptions (I.e drivers
numbers already filled in) I have this set up as a list.

1 Name Origin Driver #
2 Mrs Soandso 125 anywhere 37
3 Mr. Someone 327 anywhere 39

What I am looking for is a way to pull the drivers numbers from sheet3 into
sheet1. so basically in sheet 1 if a1 and b1 match the name + origin in sheet
3 it will pull the driver number from that row into c1 sheet1 . If nothing
matches then it should leave it blank. The data in sheet 1 changes everyday
for me as I get a manifest on who to deliver wheels on wheels to, my problem
is while I know all the correct drivers go to what people, I can never have a
day off as someone filling in for me has to go through 400 addresses and look
each one up and put coresponding drivers number into it.

I appreciate any help I can get with this problem.


On Sheet1, enter the following formula, which needs to be confirmed with
CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, in C2 and copy down:




Change the sheet references and ranges accordingly.

Hope this helps!


Maybe its the way it shows up in the post but the A B C are actually over the
Name, Origin, and Driver columns. This formula doesn't work for what I am
trying to do though.

Every day I get a manifest with approx 300 deliveries to be made. I already
know from previous weeks who is going to do the deliveries and have that
information in sheet 3. What I am trying to do is use is use a formula if
possible in sheet 1 column c to basically see if on sheet 5 a & b match the a
& b on sheet 1 it will pull the driver number to sheet 1.


What I am trying to do is use is use a formula if
possible in sheet 1 column c to basically see if on sheet 5 a & b match the a
& b on sheet 1 it will pull the driver number to sheet 1.

I take it you meant sheet 3, not sheet 5, right? Here's what I

For your sheet 1...

The sheet name is Sheet1

A1:C1 contains Name, Origin, and Driver #

A2:B3 contains your data

For your sheet 3...

The sheet name is Sheet3

A1:C1 contains Name, Origin, and Driver #

A2:C3 contains your data

Then, on Sheet1, the following formula is entered in C2 and copied down:


Note that the formula needs to be confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER,
not just ENTER. That means, instead of pressing just ENTER, press ENTER
while both the CONTROL and SHIFT keys are pressed down. Excel will
automatically place braces {} around the formula indicating that you've
entered the formula correctly.

Does this help?

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