Matching a string to a filename mask?


Brian Parker

I have an ArrayList ( strings ) of filenames like such:


The user will provide a filename mask such as:

Is there a simple way to do a comparison of the user-defined filename
masks -vs- a string? I need to return a list of the strings that
matched their filename mask.

The users will not know how to create RegEx expressions, only typical
filename masks.

At worst, I think I can convert their mask to a RegEx and match/test on
that, but was hoping there was an easier way.



1) If you create your list from real files. You can use following
static method to get filtered list next time.
Directory.GetFiles(string Path, string pattern)

2) You can easily convert ? and * mask to regex:
Regex.Escape(pattern).Replace(@"\*", ".*").Replace(@"\?",".")

Brian Parker

Yury said:
1) If you create your list from real files. You can use following
static method to get filtered list next time.
Directory.GetFiles(string Path, string pattern)

The filenames are cached already so I won't be able to do this. I use
GetFiles() to get the original list, though.
2) You can easily convert ? and * mask to regex:
Regex.Escape(pattern).Replace(@"\*", ".*").Replace(@"\?",".")

I tried this and it's -really- close to what I need. I can probably get
it the rest of the way.

Thanks for the reply.


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