match data



hi community

how can i match data between two worksheet.....


in worksheet A

I have a company name - AAA Pte Ltd

in worksheet B

I also have the company name - AAA Private Limited , with tel number

I wanted to find and match AAA Pte Ltd (worksheet A) with AAA Private
Limited in (worksheet B) to display the tel number.

can anybody kindly enlighten me on how can I do this?

thanks community for the assistance



Assuming that in Worksheet B, you have the full company name and telephone
numbers in columns B and C respectively. Please enter the following formulae
in column A.
=MID(B1,1,FIND(" ",B1)-1)
Assuming that you have the company name in column A of worksheet A, Insert
the following formulae in the column B of worksheet A.
=MID(A1,1,FIND(" ",A1)-1)
Now enter the following formulae in in column C of worksheet A:-
=VLOOKUP($B:$B,'Worksheet B'!$A:$C,3,0)
and drag it down till the last data.

This will give you the telephone numbers listed against the same company
from worksheet B.

Dilip Kumar Pandey
MBA, BCA, B.Com(Hons.)
(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)
New Delhi, India

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