Match and Sum



I am trying to get a sum total upon matching conditions (Example)

B6 = CL Type
E6 = Number of Letters

in cell B6 there will be one of 4 selections (ENC Letters, ENC BR Letters, V
ENC Letters, ALL Letters)

What I would like to happen is when I have ENC Letters in B6,B10,B12 & B15 I
would like it to add those totals only while the other cells will be added
according to how they match.

Credit Letter Type Requestor Number of Letters

ENC Letters GH 54
ENC BR Letters TS 32
V ENC Letters JS 19
ALL Letters GH 12
ENC Letters TS 185
ENC BR Letters JS 95
V ENC Letters GH 64
ALL Letters TS 44
ENC Letters JS 88
ENC BR Letters GH 76
V ENC Letters TS 106
ALL Letters JS 212

ENC Letters 327 total of all ENC Letters (onlu)
ENC BR Letters 203 total of all ENC BR Letters (Only)
V ENC Letters 189 total of all V ENC Letters (Only)
ALL Letters 268 total of all ALL Letters (Only)

I hope this makes sense, thank you for your help.


Never mind , I have it.

I'm using a sumif (example)

to those who would have helped...thank you.

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