Master page woes!


William Buchanan

Hi folks

Why are master pages such a pain?

I have put a search text box and link button on my master page because I
want it on all pages on my site. After lots of juggling with the different
properties I managed to get it to work.

However, any page which has RequiredFieldValidators fail to submit the
search because it seems to check the required fields have been filled in
(which they won't have been). Anyway, to get around this I put some code
into the page load event..... again I seem to have fallen into another trap
here as the linkbutton doesn't seem to submit the page the first time it is
loaded (which I find strange as DOES submit the page if it has already been
submitted by something else first).

So what can I do to be able to submit a search on a master page and not
trigger the RequiredFieldValidators?


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