MapPoint Colors



I am using MapPoint and want to change each color code property to my
prefered color and not a variety of dark to light shades. MapPoint allows
only certain combinations of colors to be used. I want to be able to select
each color one by one such as yellow, dark blue, dark green, etc. Is there a
way to code this in Excel or MapPoint? i think code is the only way to
change each color individually.


Peter T

Hi Matt,

I don't quite follow what you want to do, as you have not had an answer yet
same may apply to others. Some background info -

Excel "automatically" applies colours for Series sequentially from the 2nd
last row of the palette for "fillable" type charts (bars, areas etc,
ColorIndex 17 on), or from the bottom row for line types (ColorIndex 25 on).
If you have more than 16 or 8 series, further colours are applied from
ColorIndex 33 scattered in the top 5 rows of the palette.

If you only have one Series and you check "vary colors by point" (Format
data > Options) colors are applied as above.

You can customize your chart colours in your palette manually (Tools >
Options > colors) or programatically.

Instead of customizing you could apply any colour from the palette to Series
and/or individual points (if you re-colour a series you will lose previous
individually coloured points). If you often want the same colours go for the
customizing approach and let Excel apply your colours consistently.

A customized palette is unique to your workbook. You could store this as a
template, copy palette from one wb to another in Options / Colours. Or store
some (say 16 or 8 chart colours) or the entire 56 palette colours as numbers
in a column of cells in a convenient place. This would require some simple
code first to store then to customize the current wb with these colours.

You may easily be able to achieve what you want manually. Otherwise the code
things above are simple, post back if necessary.



I am having the same exact problem. I need each color code to be changed
individually. MapPoint uses a series of color shades to color each
geographic boundary. For example, I have a column containing all zip codes
for NY then another column containing a number between 1 and 4. Number 1
uses the shade dark red, number 2 uses a lighter shade red, number 3 then
uses an even lighter shade, etc. I do not want these shades because it is
hard to distinguish between the zip codes. I want #1 to be red, #2 to be
green, #3 to be blue, etc. Is there code for this or an easy way to add more
colors to the color palette offered in MapPoint? I am very surpised the MS
software doesn't allow the same fill color as in word, excel, etc.


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