Mapping Contacts When Importing them from an Excel file



Is there any way to save a custom mapping in Outlook so that each time I
import my Excel contact database to capture updates I won't have to redo the

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Diane Poremsky {MVP}

AFAIK, no. Can you update the field names in Excel to match the ones Outlook

** Please include your Outlook version, Account type, and Windows Version
when requesting assistance **

Karl Timmermans

What Outlook does is remember the last settings you used. In a perfect world
where nothing changes and nothing goes wrong - you could just re-run the
import using previous settings.

You may also find one of our products of interest -
* CG Importer is an "add-only" import product
** CG DataPorter allows you to "update" pre-existing contact info
*** both products allow you to create unlimited reusable import templates
and run the import on a scheduled basis using any Task Scheduler


Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0 / Exporter
"Power contact importers/exporters for MS Outlook '2000/2007"

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