Many XP Problems Solved



Not Yet Nub, When Linux catches up more with the prepheralls etc, I may
just do that.. Windows is still limited to 640k of basememory and everything
has to be managedwith UPPER MEMORY MANAGERS, they are still in the 1964
arenea. LOL

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


Beware of advertising.. I did a quick search with the companies shown to
have accredited Registry Booster, and can find no trace of any mention of
Registry Booster..

As Shenan pointed out, you were lucky this time, but you may get problems
that Registry Booster will not fix..

Re. some of the remarks you made to others, I didn't notice anybody shouting
THEFT when Acorn released a GUI OS for their Archimedes series that was way
closer to Apple's GUI at the time.. OS/2 was also much closer in
appearance.. Xerox lays claim that everybody took the idea from them..
MS-DOS was born out of QDOS, and some shouted CHEAT, but PC-DOS which was
IBM's branded MS-DOS escaped the same criticism..

The 640K memory issue is affixed to the hardware architecture, an IBM
creation.. Microsoft have just built upon it, and when you consider just
what has been achieved, they have done well.. for whatever shortcomings
there are with the basic PC architecture, Linus Torvald still saw fit to
port a version of UNIX to it.. Linux developers will have to exactly what MS
did to overcome the archaic base structure..

IBM attempted to take the PC in a different direction with MCA architecture,
but failed.. MCA is still used in their RS6000 equipment, but RS6000 is
being challenged by PC servers (still using the original x86 platform) now,
the cost benefit to customers is huge and the performance gap has

If you read any of the books by Bill Gates, you will know that when MS broke
ranks with IBM, it was by no means accepted as a given that Windows would
make it.. the reason that Microsoft did so well has to be IBM and the rise
of the cheap IBM clones.. all of the other companies were way too fragmented
in their approach.. had they all gotten together to create a standard,
computing today may have been different, but they didn't.. had the man
behind DR-DOS not been playing golf when he should have been meeting with
IBM, computing may have been different, but he continued his game..

It is about time that all of this crap was put behind us.. computer users
should go with what suits them and their tasks best.. personally, I think
that the demise of all of the old small go-it-alone companies is not a bad
thing.. what we have left is way more compatible than ever it was way back
when, with performance and ability unimaginable back in the early '90's..
not bad considering that it is all based upon IBM's 8088/8086 of 25 year

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/User

Craig A. said:
I have regcleaner and I tried it.
Not every one has the time nor the knowledge to go in an edit the
registry. I have been selling Computers, troubleshooting them and
supportingthem since 1976. Yeah! the Tandy Model One Level One was the
i sold, and long before there was any support groups in India to answer
support questions, it was the guy who sold it to you that was responsible.
did Batch Files to assist customers in the early DOS days before windows.
Have worked with every level of windows from 3.1 to current. I still
rhave the time nor the interest to learn and get involve with such a
file as the registry file. Maybe you are comfortable and I say good for
I just spent $30 and have a 30 day guarantee and bought a program that was
recommended by many companies. It worked and even theough I was prepared
spend a few days re formating and re installing, I do not have to, so did
work? YES IT DID.. Did it work 100% as you refer to? WHO CARES? My
are gone and and I am not involv3ed in the reformatting process.

Ken Blake, MVP

RickyT said:
Glen ..A clean install is the best Reg Cleaner...Doubt me not
...Sooner or later, Everyone has to..! lmao..I do it 4 times a

Nonsense! A clean installation is needed when you have serious problem that
you are unable to solve by others means. It is never needed otherwise. A
well-maintained computer never needs its operating system reinstalled. I
have run every version of Windows since 3.0 (except Me), each from around
the time it was released until it was superseded, never reinstalled any of
them, and and never had a problem that I couldn't fix.



Well informed respose. I started selling in 1976 and was very involved
with Computers for many years. I was not trying to accuse anybody as much as
I was pointing out the developement of where we are today. Windows has
problems and many of them but as compared to the days of trying to search
down Print drivers and hardware compatabilties etc it is easier.
I lost alot of respect for Bill and his team with the evolution through a
Lawsuit of Ms-dos 6.0 to 6.1 Version 6.2 was the result of Bill snuffing out
his comptetition and bringing back the utility that was really someone else's
but someone who was much smaller. They complained when the Utility appeared
in 6.0 and the courts leaned in their favor and Microsoft had to take the
uitlity out and released 6.1 and soon after the wealthy pressure of Microsfot
the accusser was forced into submission and thus 6.2
I watched that several times over the years and Microsoft had been
accussed of many things such as ONLY packaging certain applications with
windows etc. It was No Doubt a Dog Eat Dog market for many years and I was
there for it. It was interesting to watch and the results were many times
leaning towards who they felt would be the long term survivor and not as much
who was Right. There is no hate from me, but I was trying to inform the
poster that his complaints about problems, are NOT new and there always has
been problems and always will be and that is what pushes change and
1964 was the year that 3 students and a Professor at Dartmouth College
perfected Basic and I rememebr one program that was a great demo of Virtual
Intelligence and was written in 1964 and that was Eliza.. How many people
today remeber that or even give credit for the idea being 42 years ago?
Wang and IBM wewre two leaders in Mainframes and IBM was the smart one
to think that Homes were going to be a LARGE MARKET, Wang felt they would be
selected for the Standard as was the case with Apple. IBM made the right move
and not only were makers of some awesome Mainframes, but they were able to
produce Row boats as well as Yatchts. Wang faded into the past as did 150
other manufacturers that didn't adapt. Savage Competition has only ONE winner
and that is the PUBLIC.

My response earlier was based on the Grins and smirks a couple of replies
had, as if I was some jerk standing in the shadows with snot running down my
I respect your reply and the other two MS-MVPs need some help in ethics
and Computer History.

Shenan Stanley

Craig A. wrote:
I respect your reply and the other two MS-MVPs need some help in
ethics and Computer History.

Interesting to draw that conclusion from one interaction when you seem to
research so many other things so well.



Here is the link to registry booster and if you click on the icon on the
right side of the main page it will take you to reviews and awards.

I Have forgotten so much of what I once knew.
"A Stranger is a Friend you haven''t met yet."

Craig A. said:

Well informed respose. I started selling in 1976 and was very involved
with Computers for many years. I was not trying to accuse anybody as much as
I was pointing out the developement of where we are today. Windows has
problems and many of them but as compared to the days of trying to search
down Print drivers and hardware compatabilties etc it is easier.
I lost alot of respect for Bill and his team with the evolution through a
Lawsuit of Ms-dos 6.0 to 6.1 Version 6.2 was the result of Bill snuffing out
his comptetition and bringing back the utility that was really someone else's
but someone who was much smaller. They complained when the Utility appeared
in 6.0 and the courts leaned in their favor and Microsoft had to take the
uitlity out and released 6.1 and soon after the wealthy pressure of Microsfot
the accusser was forced into submission and thus 6.2
I watched that several times over the years and Microsoft had been
accussed of many things such as ONLY packaging certain applications with
windows etc. It was No Doubt a Dog Eat Dog market for many years and I was
there for it. It was interesting to watch and the results were many times
leaning towards who they felt would be the long term survivor and not as much
who was Right. There is no hate from me, but I was trying to inform the
poster that his complaints about problems, are NOT new and there always has
been problems and always will be and that is what pushes change and
1964 was the year that 3 students and a Professor at Dartmouth College
perfected Basic and I rememebr one program that was a great demo of Virtual
Intelligence and was written in 1964 and that was Eliza.. How many people
today remeber that or even give credit for the idea being 42 years ago?
Wang and IBM wewre two leaders in Mainframes and IBM was the smart one
to think that Homes were going to be a LARGE MARKET, Wang felt they would be
selected for the Standard as was the case with Apple. IBM made the right move
and not only were makers of some awesome Mainframes, but they were able to
produce Row boats as well as Yatchts. Wang faded into the past as did 150
other manufacturers that didn't adapt. Savage Competition has only ONE winner
and that is the PUBLIC.

My response earlier was based on the Grins and smirks a couple of replies
had, as if I was some jerk standing in the shadows with snot running down my
I respect your reply and the other two MS-MVPs need some help in ethics
and Computer History.

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


IBM didn't aim at the home market.. when they allowed Bill G to keep the
rights to DOS, they thought that maybe 20000 or so units would be sold and
that was that.. the market that surfaced took all by surprise.. there was no
way that IBM alone would be able to keep up, and the architecture was
licensed out to others.. in the late '80's, home users were still messing
with Commodore's, Vic 20's, BBC Micro's, Amiga's, Atari's etc.. some were
essentially games consoles with a keyboard.. others promised a little more..

The rise of the clone machines, half the price of IBM, Compaq etc, sealed
the future for Microsoft and Windows.. even so, the early clones were not
exactly cheap cheap, but eminently more affordable than the top flight
commercial stuff.. clever marketing took over, and here we and a host of
others are, typing letters, making up posters, playing 3D games, sending
electronic greetings cards..

Taking office software as an example, it would be easy to say that MS pushed
very hard to get their Office package to where it is.. 90% or more use it,
but look at what the competition was doing.. MS saw fit to produce all of
their own stuff, ensuring some reasonable level of integration, and
Wordperfect thought that WP51 would live forever just because it seemingly
had already.. their first offering in 'Windows' clothing was just not good,
and it integrated with nothing in particular.. Lotus ran around buying up
anything available, and then tried to palm it off as suite.. the competition
killed itself off, just like DR-DOS and others way back when..

Admittedly, the success of the clones and revenue from Windows gave MS the
boost, but had IBM not tried to force OS/2 users to use hideously expensive
hardware , maybe this group would be ibmnews.public.OS/6.general.. we will
never know for sure, but one thing is plainly recorded in history.. the what
if's, maybe's, golf score cards etc were pushed aside when Bill Gates told
that world the Microsoft had arrived and was affordable..

It's laughable really.. the original big bad wolf was IBM.. then Microsoft
took the mantle.. so who do you think will be next?..

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/User

Craig A. said:

Well informed respose. I started selling in 1976 and was very involved
with Computers for many years. I was not trying to accuse anybody as much
I was pointing out the developement of where we are today. Windows has
problems and many of them but as compared to the days of trying to search
down Print drivers and hardware compatabilties etc it is easier.
I lost alot of respect for Bill and his team with the evolution through a
Lawsuit of Ms-dos 6.0 to 6.1 Version 6.2 was the result of Bill snuffing
his comptetition and bringing back the utility that was really someone
but someone who was much smaller. They complained when the Utility
in 6.0 and the courts leaned in their favor and Microsoft had to take the
uitlity out and released 6.1 and soon after the wealthy pressure of
the accusser was forced into submission and thus 6.2
I watched that several times over the years and Microsoft had been
accussed of many things such as ONLY packaging certain applications with
windows etc. It was No Doubt a Dog Eat Dog market for many years and I was
there for it. It was interesting to watch and the results were many times
leaning towards who they felt would be the long term survivor and not as
who was Right. There is no hate from me, but I was trying to inform the
poster that his complaints about problems, are NOT new and there always
been problems and always will be and that is what pushes change and
1964 was the year that 3 students and a Professor at Dartmouth College
perfected Basic and I rememebr one program that was a great demo of
Intelligence and was written in 1964 and that was Eliza.. How many people
today remeber that or even give credit for the idea being 42 years ago?
Wang and IBM wewre two leaders in Mainframes and IBM was the smart one
to think that Homes were going to be a LARGE MARKET, Wang felt they would
selected for the Standard as was the case with Apple. IBM made the right
and not only were makers of some awesome Mainframes, but they were able
produce Row boats as well as Yatchts. Wang faded into the past as did 150
other manufacturers that didn't adapt. Savage Competition has only ONE
and that is the PUBLIC.

My response earlier was based on the Grins and smirks a couple of
had, as if I was some jerk standing in the shadows with snot running down
I respect your reply and the other two MS-MVPs need some help in ethics
and Computer History.



I need only ONE reply to see what is being implied.
you wrote
"This is what is commonly known as "luck".

Shenan Stanley
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way"

You did NOT elaborate what you meant by LUCK, you merely made a single line
statement and then had the gall to end it with a line that read "How To Ask
Questions The Smart Way" well, I was not asking a question I was making a
Comment and it was posted as a comment, I don't have a MS-MVP by my name, by
the cost of coffeee is the same for both of us. In my HUMBLE opinion, you
would have contributed far more to the thread had you just read it and moved
on, instead you left what I considered to be a smart-ass post and now you
defend it by giving me another post. Your post was anything but PROFESSIONAL.


Here is a great Computer time-table for you.
When the Challenger crashed in 86, Computer Technolgy was stagnant, as
most all Technology comes from the military and NASA. The only real changes
to computers in the 3 years that followed the grounding of NASA was 101 Key
Keyboard, 3 1/2' floppies went from 720k to 1.44mb, and clock speeds went
from 8mhz to 16 mhz, hard drives stayed pretty solid at 20 mb and 40 mb and
they were $499 and $699. Machines were 286s and then 3 years later when NASA
was back in the Air, it was like Christmas with Technology again, 386 came in
the front door and right out the back door and then the 486 486DX and 486DX2
and suddenly from 8 bit went to 16 bit and soon there after it was the
Pentium 1 and 1 mb of 512mb of ram was quickly becomeing archaic and 1mb was
no longer only available with expansion boards. CD-ROMs were solid and in
1985 Comptons had introduced a full Excylopidia on CD for $700. It was great,
had short videos, a dictionary that had phonetics built in it etc. MS-DOS was
solid and Deskmate was going out and Windows was coming in. What gave IBM the
BIG boost was that Computer Marketing was o cut throat that in order for
companies to stay alive they slashed prices, problems with
Manufacturer/retailers was they could not slash prices to the 8% GPM that
many were being sold at and still be able to absorb manufacturing costs, R7D
and In Warranty Repairs. So Tandy backed off and the Deskmate/Windows war was
over and Windows 3.0 became the standard almost over night. Apple was still
being lead by people who refused to beleive that MS-DOS was the Industry
Tandy sold out to I beleive AST and the industry took a BIG turn to the
better for the public. RCA and Tandy had developed the THOR CD back in the
early 80s and that enabled Reading, Writing and Erasing thousands of times on
a CD, the problem? CDs held 700mb and the BEST Hard drive was barely peaking
a 212mb at the time.
There was alot involved for the road of success for Microsoft and IBM,
Microsoft was doing some pretty shady moves as was some of the others, it was
CALLED SURVIVAL. Those who were most determione were going to win, it was a
ground that was never before traveled.



Do you remember the BIG Lotus 123 built in error that cost one company
hundreds of millions of dollars? I think the company was based in Florida and
it had something to do with the fact that the Lotus 123 designers had
negelected to allow 123 to not round off to the next cent. or something to
that affect. Lotus 123 got some real bad Pub out of it and yet stayed number
UNO. Don't figure, slap me harder and I will like you more........

Shenan Stanley

Craig said:

I need only ONE reply to see what is being implied.
you wrote
"This is what is commonly known as "luck".

Shenan Stanley
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way"

You did NOT elaborate what you meant by LUCK, you merely made a
single line statement and then had the gall to end it with a line
that read "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" well, I was not
asking a question I was making a Comment and it was posted as a
comment, I don't have a MS-MVP by my name, by the cost of coffeee
is the same for both of us. In my HUMBLE opinion, you would have
contributed far more to the thread had you just read it and moved
on, instead you left what I considered to be a smart-ass post and
now you defend it by giving me another post. Your post was anything

While I admit my answer was curt, it did not need to be professional in any
It was my opinion stated as a normal person in response to your statement.
I was asked to clarify by someone other than you - and I did.

The "luck" I refer to is that:
A registry issue was the problem with the symptoms they provided.

Your attack came far after that explanation. Your attack had to do with a
conversation that no longer was about you and you took personally.
Statements about the fact that the symptoms (not you) did not fit the fix,
in my opinion. Inserted was levity - sorry you do not enjoy levity - or at
least the flavor I provided.

I do believe that if you were going to bother mentioning that you had paid
for a utility that fixed your problems - you would have been kind enough to
originally include said utility name. Nothing wrong with a little
word-of-mouth advertising.. But it took several days/many posts/requests
later for you to reveal that name. Otherwise, your statement was pretty
dangerous in my opinion, as you even state that you tried many registry
utilities out there and none of them had fixed your problem, this one had.
You were telling people who do not have your length of time in computing to
go out and try somehting they are unlikely to understand and may actually
make their situation worse if done incorrectly. That - was in my opinion -

The signature is in all my posts. Has been for years. You - again -
assumed (even after seeing it again and again in this thread and not
bothering to do a Google Groups search before taking as you have) to be a
personal attack on you. I have not and am not attacking you personally. I
will attack some statements you may have made - I may even bring some of my
own opinions and experiences to the table. Instead - off of no more than
six sentences in one thread (of likely dozen I contributed to each day) you
made a jump that I needed a lesson in "ethics and computer history".

While the computer history you have brought up in this thread (in
windowsxp.general) is interesting - it is nothing I did not live through (or
if very far back - learn about through my own
reading/research/teaching/being taught) - and in a help newsgroup such as
this - doesn't serve to help in answering questions of the day much. I am
not saying it is a waste of time (don't want you putting words into my
mouth) - just that when it comes to helping people with computer problems
they are having - long term history is not what they want - they want the
quick and dirty answer - which comes from current experience.

I have read your thread with interest - and stayed quietly in the background
other than my "lucky" and "explanation of lucky" part of the thread - until
you attacked me personally - and you did attack me personally. I may have
said you were unlucky in purchasing instead of finding one of the many free
products or just finding the fix you needed without paying for it - but I
never put into question your ethics or knowledge. You did both and then
call me unprofessional.


My answer with in your quotes

"While I admit my answer was curt, it did not need to be professional in any
It was my opinion stated as a normal person in response to your statement.
I was asked to clarify by someone other than you - and I did."

When you use a title, YOU are NOT answering as a NORMAL Person. If you want
to be a NORMAL PERSON remove the title from your signature.
Your response was in regards to what I wrote so whether you explained
yourself to another person or not, I could care less, IT was ME that yuour
comment was aimed at.

"The "luck" I refer to is that:
A registry issue was the problem with the symptoms they provided."
There was NO LUCJK involved, as I wrote when I ran a few of the freebies,
one of problems dissappeared and that told me it was a corrupt registry. So I
went looking for a GOOD Registry Cleaner. No LUck inolved at all, it was
based on the process of elimination and fact.

"Your attack came far after that explanation. Your attack had to do with a
conversation that no longer was about you and you took personally.
Statements about the fact that the symptoms (not you) did not fit the fix,
in my opinion. Inserted was levity - sorry you do not enjoy levity - or at
least the flavor I provided."

I created the Thread, it was about me and what I found, any response to
that thrtead were in direct respose to what I wrote. You really don't act
like you are very professional but rather like you are trying to impress
someone. Yes! I took every reply personal and that is why I tried to respnd
to each and everyone. No! I do not enjoy the Flavor you provided. I was
trying to leave information for others to benifit by and it did not need any
of your graffiti or anyone else's. You seem to have lost the sense of trying
to HELP people and it seems you rather have AMUSEMENT and ENTERTAINMENT with
the posts. These newsgroups were created to benifit people and to try and
make sure that as many people as possible didn't have to learn the hard way.
Anything that can be deemed as constructive should be posted and anything
deemed as Bashing or humilating a poster should be deleted.

"I do believe that if you were going to bother mentioning that you had paid
for a utility that fixed your problems - you would have been kind enough to
originally include said utility name. Nothing wrong with a little
word-of-mouth advertising.. "

By giving the name it would be looked at as a RECOMENDATION and then I COULD
BE held LIABLE. Sorry! I do not recommend, I was stating MY Experince and any
one could easily do a Google and do their own research to their satisfaction
and then BUY whatever their choice was. As you could tell some preferred the
FREE ones and I tried to address that issue.

"But it took several days/many posts/requests
later for you to reveal that name."

by being asked, it was NO LONGER a RECOMMENDATION.... I would have given
that info as soon as anyone had asked me, no one did.

" Otherwise, your statement was pretty dangerous in my opinion, as you even
state that you tried many registry utilities out there and none of them had
fixed your problem, this one had. "

That is NOT what I said, I said very clearly that many of the Freebies only
fixed a certain number of the problems found. After I was sure it was a
registry problem, I wanted them all fixed. My problem was fixed right in the
beginning. I uninstall many of the OEM crap that comes included and I had
installed updates and patches etc, so when I read what I had read about the
Registries, I knew I could have a corrupt one. On another thread I was told
to edit my registry file and that is what starrted me off.

"You were telling people who do not have your length of time in computing to
go out and try somehting they are unlikely to understand and may actually
make their situation worse if done incorrectly. That - was in my opinion -

That is why I did NOT recommend or post the name of the utility that I had
bought and sugessted people to do their own Google, you are now starting to
contradict yourself.
Your post left NOTHING for any of the readers and would have gained as much
if you had POSTED NOTHING.

"The signature is in all my posts. Has been for years. You - again -
assumed (even after seeing it again and again in this thread and not
bothering to do a Google Groups search before taking as you have) to be a
personal attack on you. I have not and am not attacking you personally. I
will attack some statements you may have made - I may even bring some of my
own opinions and experiences to the table. Instead - off of no more than
six sentences in one thread (of likely dozen I contributed to each day) you
made a jump that I needed a lesson in "ethics and computer history".

I explained to you that I responded to your FIRST Post and how could all of
the posts that followed have affected my first response based on your first
post... Dang! are we in the same deminsion here?
With your signature and your post it looked to be a very sarcastic post and
was a dig. I still say it is and what is the need for you to even have that
signature? Maybe you should do a Google for "How to do a Smart Response"

"While the computer history you have brought up in this thread (in
windowsxp.general) is interesting - it is nothing I did not live through (or
if very far back - learn about through my own
reading/research/teaching/being taught) - and in a help newsgroup such as
this - doesn't serve to help in answering questions of the day much. I am
not saying it is a waste of time (don't want you putting words into my
mouth) - just that when it comes to helping people with computer problems
they are having - long term history is not what they want - they want the
quick and dirty answer - which comes from current experience."

I was giving info to another poster who had given info about himself. I
knew after those posts I was dealing with some one who had been there and
would take what they said over anyone elses. It was not directed to you and
if you read the post, you would even note that I had the persons name at the
very beginning of the post that I was posting to. As far as content, this
whole post of yours is as worhtless as what you are claiming about a response
I made to an individual. LOL, I am respectfull enough that I try to address
each post individually and to the person making it. I try not to make General
posts unless I am leaving INFO.

"I have read your thread with interest - and stayed quietly in the background
other than my "lucky" and "explanation of lucky" part of the thread - until
you attacked me personally - and you did attack me personally. I may have
said you were unlucky in purchasing instead of finding one of the many free
products or just finding the fix you needed without paying for it - but I
never put into question your ethics or knowledge. You did both and then
call me unprofessional."

Had you responded to my first post with a better explanation as you did in
this paragraph, you would have kept my respect and probably even have gotten
a compliment. Instead you dropped a couple of words and a signature line to
enforce sarcasim and moved on. Yes! I said what I said and based on the posts
in the order they were delivered, I stick with it.

"Shenan Stanley

Shenan Stanley

Craig said:
My answer with in your quotes

When you use a title, YOU are NOT answering as a NORMAL Person. If
you want to be a NORMAL PERSON remove the title from your signature.
Your response was in regards to what I wrote so whether you
explained yourself to another person or not, I could care less, IT
was ME that yuour comment was aimed at.
There was NO LUCJK involved, as I wrote when I ran a few of the
freebies, one of problems dissappeared and that told me it was a
corrupt registry. So I went looking for a GOOD Registry Cleaner. No
LUck inolved at all, it was based on the process of elimination and

I created the Thread, it was about me and what I found, any
response to
that thrtead were in direct respose to what I wrote. You really
don't act like you are very professional but rather like you are
trying to impress someone. Yes! I took every reply personal and
that is why I tried to respnd to each and everyone. No! I do not
enjoy the Flavor you provided. I was trying to leave information
for others to benifit by and it did not need any of your graffiti
or anyone else's. You seem to have lost the sense of trying to HELP
people and it seems you rather have AMUSEMENT and ENTERTAINMENT
with the posts. These newsgroups were created to benifit people
and to try and make sure that as many people as possible didn't
have to learn the hard way. Anything that can be deemed as
constructive should be posted and anything deemed as Bashing or
humilating a poster should be deleted.

By giving the name it would be looked at as a RECOMENDATION and
then I COULD BE held LIABLE. Sorry! I do not recommend, I was
stating MY Experince and any one could easily do a Google and do
their own research to their satisfaction and then BUY whatever
their choice was. As you could tell some preferred the FREE ones
and I tried to address that issue.

by being asked, it was NO LONGER a RECOMMENDATION.... I would have
given that info as soon as anyone had asked me, no one did.

That is NOT what I said, I said very clearly that many of the
Freebies only fixed a certain number of the problems found. After I
was sure it was a registry problem, I wanted them all fixed. My
problem was fixed right in the beginning. I uninstall many of the
OEM crap that comes included and I had installed updates and
patches etc, so when I read what I had read about the Registries, I
knew I could have a corrupt one. On another thread I was told to
edit my registry file and that is what starrted me off.

That is why I did NOT recommend or post the name of the utility
that I had bought and sugessted people to do their own Google, you
are now starting to contradict yourself.
Your post left NOTHING for any of the readers and would have gained
as much if you had POSTED NOTHING.

I explained to you that I responded to your FIRST Post and how
could all of the posts that followed have affected my first
response based on your first post... Dang! are we in the same
deminsion here?
With your signature and your post it looked to be a very sarcastic
post and was a dig. I still say it is and what is the need for you
to even have that signature? Maybe you should do a Google for "How
to do a Smart Response"

I was giving info to another poster who had given info about
himself. I
knew after those posts I was dealing with some one who had been
there and would take what they said over anyone elses. It was not
directed to you and if you read the post, you would even note that
I had the persons name at the very beginning of the post that I was
posting to. As far as content, this whole post of yours is as
worhtless as what you are claiming about a response I made to an
individual. LOL, I am respectfull enough that I try to address each
post individually and to the person making it. I try not to make
General posts unless I am leaving INFO.

Had you responded to my first post with a better explanation as you
did in this paragraph, you would have kept my respect and probably
even have gotten a compliment. Instead you dropped a couple of
words and a signature line to enforce sarcasim and moved on. Yes! I
said what I said and based on the posts in the order they were
delivered, I stick with it.

To each their own..
I bid you my leave and my best wishes.


New subject: How do I erase the search query memory in Windows XP? Everytime
I go to search for something all these dad-blamed past queries show. Help!

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