many similar event procedures



I have written a macro, which contains many userform. each userform
contains many comboboxes (in addition to may other controls) I want
several things to happen when the value in the combobox is changed.
Here is an example of the code that i currently have in the combobox
change event procedure:

Private Sub ComboBox10_Change()
Dim ftype As Integer
ftype = 2 + ComboBox10.ListIndex
Call PriceToCell(12, ComboBox10, 20, ftype)
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox11_Change()
Dim ftype As Integer
ftype = 2 + ComboBox11.ListIndex
Call PriceToCell(12, ComboBox11, 18, ftype)
End Sub


I repeat this code many times where everything is almost exactly the
same, except for the text "ComboBox10" would be the name of the
combobox, and the the text "20" is specific for each combobox.

what i would like to do is make this code generic so that i can copy it
everywhere i need it without having to change it everytime, or even
better refer to a procedure in my main module call..... so my first
idea is initializing the combobox so that the value of combobox.tag in
this case would be 20. Then i could replace the text 20, which is
specific with something like Cint(ComboBox10.tag). But i still need to
find some way to replace the specific ComboBox name, not in the name of
the procedure, but only within the procedure. I have some idea that
there is a solution to this involving setting up a class module, but i
am not sure that i understand all the complexity of that. I thought
the generic "Me" might work, but that gives me an error.

any advice you have would be a big help.


I guess i should have indicated something about the PriceToCell

it looks like this:

Public Sub PriceToCell(ByVal cellpos As Integer, ByVal mycontrol As
Object, ByVal wType As Integer, ByVal Fintype As Integer)
Dim Price As Integer
WindowPrice = Price(wType, finType)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, cellpos).Value = mycontrol.Name & ":" &
mycontrol.Value & ":" & Price
End Sub

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