Mann Whitney


W Chamberlain

Can anyone direct me to a resource on how to do a two tailed Mann Whitney
statistical test in Excel 2007? Since there is no direct Mann Whitney (AKA
Wilcoxon signed rank test) function that I can find, I guess I need some
instructions on how to take two columns of data and walk through the test
step by step to get a P value.


Niek Otten

Look here:

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| Can anyone direct me to a resource on how to do a two tailed Mann Whitney
| statistical test in Excel 2007? Since there is no direct Mann Whitney (AKA
| Wilcoxon signed rank test) function that I can find, I guess I need some
| instructions on how to take two columns of data and walk through the test
| step by step to get a P value.
| Thanks.

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