Manipulating structures and buffers


Neil W.

I need to call some standard Windows APIs from C#, some of which require
structures and stuff. However, C# does not seem to include the concept of
clearing buffers or even of fixed sized buffers.

For example, how would I do something like this, which is very simple in


unsigned char mychar;
char mystring[32];
int myint;
} mybuf;

mybuf.mychar = 0x12;
mybuf.myint = 0x3456;
result = myapi(&mybuf);

Pavel Minaev

I need to call some standard Windows APIs from C#, some of which require
structures and stuff.  However, C# does not seem to include the conceptof
clearing buffers or even of fixed sized buffers.

It does, actually. For one thing, there are fixed arrays (http://

fixed byte mystring[32];

but those are only valid in unsafe mode.

For P/Invoke purposes in particular (which is what you really need for
Win32 API), there are attributes which can be applied to a normal
array declaration to make it marshal as fixed-size buffer:

[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=32)]
byte[] mystring;

See for more

To clear (fill with 0s) a managed array, use Array.Clear. To copy data
from one array to another, use Array.Copy, Array.CopyTo, or
Buffer.BlockCopy. Note that these all only work for managed arrays -
fixed arrays are treated by C# as pointers (i.e. for the "fixed"
declaration above), the actual type of mystring is "byte*", and there
are no standard FCL methods to deal with those. So if you use "fixed",
you'll either have to use WinAPI for memory ops as well, or write your

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