Manipulating data on an HTTP page from an HTTPS IFRAME




I'm building an ecommerce application.
On my product page I have a few tabs. One describes the product,
One describes the supplier etc... One of the tabs asks for the credit
card info. The page is an HTTP page and I'm using an 0x0 https IFRAME
to submit the CC info and get back the response.

Obviously this does not work and I get an access denied error for
trying to access an HTTP page from an HTTPS IFRAME.

1. I know there are other ways to take the CC info but I want the
page to work in this design where the user does not leave the
product page to submit the CC info.

2. I'm hoping that there is some work around that I can do to submit
the CC info to the HTTPS Iframe and allow it to manipulate the
HTML on the HTTP page.


Rob Parsons

Ok. I am taking a wild guess. Post or Get?
Do you have a sample we can look at?


It's a POST to the IFRAME and then innerHTML to update the HTTP Page.
I also tried AJAX but it's the same access denied. I'm guessing that this is
by design because of the HTTP / HTTPS diffrences but i was hoping that there
is a way to send information from an HTTP Page to an HTTPS IFRAME and then
have the IFRAME update the HTTP page with the resuting info.

The only reason i'm doing this is cause i don't want to divert the user from
the product page and i can't take CC info on an HTTP page (the product page).

As i said, it's not only the POST that does not work, AJAX doesn't work as


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