Manipulating backend linked tables


Piet Linden


How  can I rename or delete a linked table via code?

Many Thanks


Or did you mean delete a backend table from the front end? In that


Dirk Goldgar

John said:
How can I rename or delete a linked table via code?

Are you wanting to rename or delete the linked table in the front-end, which
is simple, or in the back-end, which is a bit more complicated.

In the front-end (not affecting the table in the back-end):

' Delete linked table (just the link):
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "LinkedTableName"

' Rename linked table (just the link):
DoCmd.Rename "NewNameForTable", acTable, "OldTableName"

In the back-end (breaking any front-end links to the table in the

Dim strBEName As String
Dim dbBE As DAO.Database

' Get back-end name from linked table's Connect property.
' NOTE: Only works for linked Jet tables.
strBEName = _
Mid(CurrentDb.TableDefs("LinkedTableName").Connect, 11)

' Open a Database object on the the back-end database.
Set dbBE = DBEngine.OpenDatabase( strBEName)

' Delete table in back-end.
dbBE.TableDefs.Delete "TableNameToDelete"

' Rename table in back-end:
dbBE.TableDefs("OldTableName").Name = "NewNameForTable"

All of the above example code would be executed from the front-end.

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