Manifest for XP style from a DLL?



If I am creating windows forms from a DLL rather and EXE can I use a
manifest to give it that groovy XP style? If so, do I name the manifest

First attempts at this aren't working, which is why I ask. TIA.

Stu Smith

The manifest is for the EXE that is using the DLL, so just make one as usual
for the main app.


Jeremy Williams

bottas said:
I'm making what will eventually be a COM Add-in for MS Office. There is
no EXE.

Actually, there is an EXE - it is Excel.exe, or WinWord.exe, or whatever
Office app your add-in will be used with.

As Stu pointed out, manifests go with executables, not dlls. Having a
manifest with a dll would be the equivalent of applying XP themes to only
part of an application, which Windows is not really set up to handle.

You could try creating manifests for the Office executables your add-in will
be used with. I have made this work with certain executables, but it does
not always look quite right.


Jeremy said:
You could try creating manifests for the Office executables your add-in will
be used with. I have made this work with certain executables, but it does
not always look quite right.

Actually that's great, and shows just how easily I get stuck looking at
things the wrong way. I haven't hooked it up to COM yet because most of
the functionality isn't in place yet. But I'm testing via a console app,
and making a manifest for *it* was all I needed to do.

ConsoleTests.exe.manifest has almost nothing in it, but it makes all the
difference. Go figure :) Don't know if this will display correctly, but...:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
language="*" />

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