mandatory field size within table



Can I create a mandatory number of characters in a field when creating a table.
Table 1
Field1 date
Field2 Time
Field3 (12 digit number required by user) 123456789012

If the user does not enter a 12 digit number in field 3 they will receive an
error message and the record will not be created.


Click DATA in the menu and select VALIDATION. For the VALIDATION CRITERIA,
drop down the list and select TEXT LENGTH. From the DATA combobox select
EQUAL TO and in the LENGTH field enter the number 12. Then click on the
ERROR ALERT tab and give your users an error message of some type.

Then click on

Earl Kiosterud


Data - Validation. Set Allow to "Text length" and go from there.

Earl Kiosterud

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When in Rome...


it must be different in Access 2007, i have validation rule and validation
text, but no text length to be found in the expression builder.

Gord Dibben

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Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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