Managed C++ for Excel Add-in


My interest

I was able to create an automation Add-in for Excel using C#. But I
was unable to do the same in Managed C++ (VS2005). The code posted
below is almost a direct translation from C# to C++. Build was OK, and
I could see MyTest.Fun in the Excel Add-In list (in the exact same way
as if the code was written in C#), but I could not the the function
(i.e. not show in the Function help list and will show #Name if I type
in =IsOK()

I guess I may just missed one small thing that is specific to C++, but
I couldn't figure it out. Anybody who can help? (Or is it because C++
does not support this mechanism at all?)

My code:


#using <mscorlib.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

namespace MyTest
public ref class Fun

Fun() {}


double IsOK(void)
return 1234.567;


static void RegisterFunction(Type^ t)

Microsoft::Win32::Registry::ClassesRoot->CreateSubKey("CLSID\\{" +
t->GUID.ToString()->ToUpper() + "}\\Programmable");

static void UnregisterFunction(Type^ t)

Microsoft::Win32::Registry::ClassesRoot->DeleteSubKey("CLSID\\{" +
t->GUID.ToString()->ToUpper() + "}\\Programmable");

My interest

Sovled, it's registration problem. The default behavior of "register
output" seems to be different between C++ and C# projects.

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