Manage attachments

  • Thread starter Thread starter livetohike
  • Start date Start date


Outlook 2000
Is there a simple way to select multiple emails (in the list pane) and
delete their attachments all at once. Currently I have to open each
email, to delete attachments.

Similarly, something that lets you select multiple emails and save
their attachments to a single destination (all at once).

I would even settle for a tool bar button/macro that will delete/save
the attachment(s) of the currently selected email (w/o actually
opening the email).
Is there a simple way to select multiple emails (in the list pane) and
delete their attachments all at once. Currently I have to open each
email, to delete attachments.

I learnedr here that when you delete an e-mail, the attachemtnes are
automatically deleted from the PST file


I don't remember Outlook 2000 but I assume it works same as 2003 & 2007. To
delete multiple emails, click on the email then hold down the crtl key and
click on the other emails to be deleted (can use shift key if they are in
order) and hit delete.
I don't remember Outlook 2000 but I assume it works same as 2003 & 2007. To
delete multiple emails, click on the email then hold down the crtl key and
click on the other emails to be deleted (can use shift key if they are in
order) and hit delete.

I want to delete the attachment from the email, but not the email
itself. Put another way, when I reopen the email at a later date, the
attachment will be gone.

This is useful when you want to save the text of the email, but not
the attachment. I find it a pain to have to open each to do this.

Thanks Brian. I took a look and those products seemed like overkill,
and of course I am looking for a 'free' solution. Just to make sure
everyone is clear on what I was asking:

I want to delete the attachment from an email and save the textual
part of the email and I want to do it w/o having to open the email
(i.e. from list view). Is there a Macro I can run that will delete
all the attachments to the currently selected email (ie being viewed
in the preview pane, but not 'open").
livetohike said:
I want to delete the attachment from the email, but not the email
itself. Put another way, when I reopen the email at a later date, the
attachment will be gone.

This is useful when you want to save the text of the email, but not
the attachment. I find it a pain to have to open each to do this.

At least one of the tools on the web page I cited should be able to do that
for you.
Hi LiveToHike:

Don't you feel like banging your head against the keyboard sometimes? Your
questions were clear enough but your one responder in particular was just not
getting it! (Or didn't feel especially cooperative.)

I wish I had a Step 1, Step 2 answer but I don't. There are a couple of
ideas listed here: (one of the ideas is the slipstick site, though!)

I have Outlook 2003 and tried dragging the attachment (with just the mouse,
then with CTRL and then with the ALT key held down) and although the
attachment moved into a different folder the original remained intact on the
Inbox msg. (I know - you wanted to delete the darn thing anyway!) So, maybe
you'll have to go with a plug-in after all. Good luck!

Don't you feel like banging your head against the keyboard sometimes? Your
questions were clear enough but your one responder in particular was just not
getting it! (Or didn't feel especially cooperative.)

I wish I had a Step 1, Step 2 answer but I don't. There are a couple of
ideas listed here: of the ideas is the slipstick site, though!)

I have Outlook 2003 and tried dragging the attachment (with just the mouse,
then with CTRL and then with the ALT key held down) and although the
attachment moved into a different folder the original remained intact on the
Inbox msg. (I know - you wanted to delete the darn thing anyway!) So, maybe
you'll have to go with a plug-in after all. Good luck!

Thank, but no cigar. The many SlipStick add-ins work on folders or
all incoming email. They save the attachment to disk and leave a link
in the original email.

What I probably should have done is describe exactly what I am doing,
here goes:
I send many, many emails w/ attachments. Obviously I have the
original file I attached to the email save on my system, so I don't
need to keep it inside all emails in the sent folder. I don't like
bulk processing because there may be an occasional case where I do
want to leave the attachment in place. That's it! Could not be any
livetohike said:
Thank, but no cigar. The many SlipStick add-ins work on folders or
all incoming email. They save the attachment to disk and leave a link
in the original email.

What I probably should have done is describe exactly what I am doing,
here goes:
I send many, many emails w/ attachments. Obviously I have the
original file I attached to the email save on my system, so I don't
need to keep it inside all emails in the sent folder. I don't like
bulk processing because there may be an occasional case where I do
want to leave the attachment in place. That's it! Could not be any

Well, if you want to keep attachments for some messages but not for others
and don't want to use any bulk processors, then what choice have you other
than removing manually the attachments you don't want?
Well, if you want to keep attachments for some messages but not for others
and don't want to use any bulk processors, then what choice have you other
than removing manually the attachments you don't want?

Buld processing is OK, but only on selected emails, NOT on entire

If I had the skill to write an add-in I would put a button on the tool
bar that will delete attachments from any emails you have selected in
the list pain (using CTRL-Clk). The key is to not have to open the
email because that is too slow a process.

I did find "Outlook Attachment Remover Add-in" that is pretty close.
It puts a button on the tool bar, that opens a dialog allowing you to
act on a folder OR the selected files. You can choose to remove the
attachments, but also makes a copy ("moves") the attachment to a
specified folder AND puts a link to the moved attachment in the email.

I don't need the copy of the attachment, but can write a bat to empty
file folder. I don't like the way it sticks a link at the top of
email, but I would have to live w/ that. The worst problem is that
everything works EXCEPT the removal of the attachment. I wrote
support, we will see. Here is the link if anyone wants to try it:
Our IT dept. would go bananas if anyone downloaded any utility file from the
Internet and installed it on a company computer on our network where it could
potentially muck around within Outlook in unknown ways. How do we know any
such utility does not contain data-mining spyware? For that matter (please
don't take personal offense; none is intended) how do we know whether Brian
Tillman is just a real, nice person trying to be helpful, or an alias being
used by some not so nice person who is involved in phishing/spyware and is
posting these comments to entice potential victims? Also, (no offense
intended toward, what do we really know about Who are they, and how do we find out if they are what they
claim on their website? Unfortunately, people need to be very cautious these
days. Where does one go for reliable, definitive answers to these questions?
I think this is a valid point to make, here
That's certainly reassuring; hope I haven't raised anyone's flaming wrath
with the prior message; MVPs are certainly impeccably trustworthy and I
greatly respect and support them. When you click on just the link,, you don't first see their info page at; you just see a lot of available software and
information links. Might be worth considering adding the MVP logo to the top
of all pages to alert new visitors like myself that it's an MVP's site...
Just do some research on your own. You will quickly discover that is widely regarded as the most authoritative source for
Outlook information anywhere, even among the Outlook developers themselves.
Might be worth considering adding the MVP logo to the top
of all pages to alert new visitors like myself that it's an MVP's site...

I agree - that link was WAAAY down at the bottom of a LONG page.....

Well said - thanks, Russ!

Russ Valentine said:
Just do some research on your own. You will quickly discover that is widely regarded as the most authoritative source for
Outlook information anywhere, even among the Outlook developers themselves.
Russ Valentine
Bob W said:
Our IT dept. would go bananas if anyone downloaded any utility file from
Internet and installed it on a company computer on our network where it
potentially muck around within Outlook in unknown ways. How do we know any
such utility does not contain data-mining spyware? For that matter
don't take personal offense; none is intended) how do we know whether
Tillman is just a real, nice person trying to be helpful, or an alias
used by some not so nice person who is involved in phishing/spyware and is
posting these comments to entice potential victims? Also, (no offense
intended toward, what do we really know about Who are they, and how do we find out if they are what
claim on their website? Unfortunately, people need to be very cautious
days. Where does one go for reliable, definitive answers to these
I think this is a valid point to make, here
Sue Mosher began and maintained that site for many years but recently (2-3 yrs. ago) sold the site to MVP Diane Poremsky, also a long standing and respected Outlook MVP.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Gordon asked:

| |
|| Also, (no offense intended toward, what do we
|| really know about
|| Who are they, and how do we find out if they are
|| what they
|| claim on their website?
| Sue Mosher is a respected MVP.....
How can you be sure about anything you read on the internet? :)

Anyway... if you can't install software, then the answer is that you need to
remove each one individually. Outlook does not offer a way to do it on
multiple messages. You could write a VBA macro (assuming you are allowed to
by your IT dept), but as trusting as you are, you'd need to write it
yourself, without help as you can't trust what anyone says on the

Not sure if someone is an MVP? Check the list at While not all mvps
are listed here, the vast majority are.

(For others who can install 3rd party tools... while its prudent to be wary
of some sites and software, you can trust well known developers such as
Mapilab and Sperry software... and always, always download from the
developers own site - not from a 3rd party. Pirated software might be cheap,
but it can also be infected with trojans... the cost of recovering from
trojans can cost more than the software would have. :) Google is your
friend... and if you aren't sure about someone - google is your friend.
Generally you can trust the advice of anyone who has longevity here and on
the internet).