Making Drop boxes in forms into check boxes



I have created a basic database with numerous couloums nad forms. I have a
few areas which can have multiple answers but are in drop boxes. They look
great, but they do not do what I need. These boxes should give me the options
of having multiple answers in the same box.

How do I do that?



There are 2 basic approaches: you can either include Yes/No fields in your
main table or create a detail table on the many side of a one-to-many
relationship. For example, you might have an Employees table, and wish to
capture each role the employee fulfills. One approach is to include the
roles as Yes/No fields in the Employee table:

EmpID AutoNumber (PK)
VolunteerFirePerson Yes/No
EntertainmentCommittee Yes/No
UnitedWayVolunteer Yes/No

Another approach is to create a EmployeeRoles table into which each role is
entered as a detail record.

EmpRoleID AutoNumber (PK)
EmpID Integer (FK to Employees)
RoleID Integer (FK to Roles)

This approach is generally preferred, particularly if there are a lot of
roles, because it stores only the actual roles each employee has. On the
other hand, if the number of roles is small, checkboxes are very convenient
for data entry.

Another approach you can take is to use a MultiSelect Listbox, however,
multiple selections will not automatically be entered as detail records. You
must take action with VBA code to insert selected rows as records in the
detail table. A Google or forum search for Multi-Select Listboxes should
give you what you need.

Hope that helps.

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