making boxplot in excel 2007



Hey. Got a problem on making a boxplot in excel 2007.
I used to make excel 2003 to make the boxplot, but now I have the 2007
I learned from my teacher that I need to use the "High-Low-lines" and the
"Up/down-bars" to make the boxplot.
The problem is that when I made the "Up/down-bars" it will cover the
data-points so I can't see median ect.
Is there anyway to change the order of the chart-figures like to show the
data-point at the top, the up/down-bars in the middle and the high-low-lines
at the bottom just like when u change the order of several objectives?

Sorry my english! Want to show u guys what I mean but don't know a place
where I can place pics of the screenshot

Jon Peltier

It is not possible to change the arrangement of shapes comprising a chart,
other than what is possible by changing the series order. Excel 2007 seems
to have put the up-down bars in front of series markers, unlike Excel 2003
on back to the dawn of time, or at least back to the first version of Excel
with charts.

An unsatisfactory way to address the hidden markers is to remove the fill
from the up-down bars, so the markers under the bars are visible. Another is
to revert to 2003 for any chart-sensitive applications.

You could also construct the box and whisker plot using stacked columns, as
I do in this example and in the related utility:

I was pleased when I tested the utility in Excel 2007 and it worked without
any adjustments. (At least the vertically aligned one; there is something
possibly amiss about the horizontally aligned chart.)

- Jon

Jon Peltier

And what's more bizarre... If the chart is made in Excel 2007, it comes out
wrong, with the markers hidden behind the bars. If the chart is made in an
earlier version of Excel, the markers remain in view in front of the bars,
even when the workbook is saved in Excel 2007 format, closed, and reopened.
So somehow Excel knows something about the version or history of the chart.

- Jon

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