Making a form open full page



quick question: How can I make a form open up full screen without menubar or
toolbar on startup. I want The user to only see the form but still allow me
to edit the form if needed and database if needed but not allow them to
access it. Sorry for the dumb question but i am a supernoob with access.
Thanks in advance for any help:)


quick question: How can I make a form open up full screen without menubar or
toolbar on startup. I want The user to only see the form but still allow me
to edit the form if needed and database if needed but not allow them to
access it. Sorry for the dumb question but i am a supernoob with access.
Thanks in advance for any help:)

Code the Form's Open event:

Then click on Tools + Start Up.
In the Display Form/Page dialog box select the form.
Uncheck the Display Application Window check box.

If you ever need get into the application, simply hold down the shift
key when you open it, or press F11 while it is open.

Van T. Dinh

You can hide the Menu Bar with code like:

DoCmd.ShowToolBar "Menu Bar", acToolbarNo



I just tried that for my startup form and it doesn't seem to work. I put it
in the 'On Open' event of the form. I can get it to 'hide' the items on the
menu bar by using the '=1' for the 'menu bar' property in the 'startup'



I just tried using that in my 'startup' form in the 'on open' event along
with a docmd.maximize command and it doesn't seem to work - the menu bar
still shows. I can 'hide' the menu bar items by using the '=1' in the 'menu
bar' property of the startup form. But if possible, I would like to
hide/remove the menu bar and then return it when the startup form is closed
(on close event).



Say, I ran across this in the Access 2003 help on 'customizing toolbars,

You can customize menus and toolbars yourself; you can add and remove
buttons and menus on toolbars, create your own custom toolbars, hide or
display toolbars, and move toolbars. You can customize the menu bar the same
way you customize any built-in toolbar (built-in toolbar: A toolbar that is
part of Access when it's installed on your computer. In contrast, a custom
toolbar is one that you create for your own application.)— for example, you
can quickly add and remove buttons and menus on the menu bar— but you can't
hide the menu bar.


Rick Brandt

Soddy said:

Say, I ran across this in the Access 2003 help on 'customizing
toolbars, etc...':

You can customize menus and toolbars yourself; you can add and remove
buttons and menus on toolbars, create your own custom toolbars, hide
or display toolbars, and move toolbars. You can customize the menu
bar the same way you customize any built-in toolbar (built-in
toolbar: A toolbar that is part of Access when it's installed on your
computer. In contrast, a custom toolbar is one that you create for
your own application.)- for example, you can quickly add and remove
buttons and menus on the menu bar- but you can't hide the menu bar.


Rather than trying to have NO menu bar just create your own and put nothing on
it that you don't want users to have access to and then use startup properties
to make that menu bar the main menu bar for the application. The application
main menu is where the control buttons for maximized objects are placed so it is
not logical to have no menu bar at all.


Thanks for the info and makes sense...

However, I have a slight problem now...! In screwing around with the 'menu
bar', I got involved in 'customizing' it (i.e., I dragged a couple of menu
bar items off - like the 'File', etc...). Now it stays that way even when I
create a new DB in Access. How can (if I can) get the 'original' menubar



I think I figured out how to fix the problem... I just went into the
'customize menu' and selected the 'menu bar' and the 'reset' button which did
the trick. So, thanks alot!!



Say, is there a way to eliminate the 'extra' wording in the top 'title bar'
after you enter the 'application' title in the 'startup' menu??

Rick Brandt

Soddy said:

Say, is there a way to eliminate the 'extra' wording in the top
'title bar' after you enter the 'application' title in the 'startup'

What "extra wording" would that be?


I have a similar problem. Where do I place the code that you show:
DoCmd.ShowToolBar "Menu Bar", acToolbarNo ? I have been able to hide the
Menu Bar on the Switchboard form by adding =1 to the MenuBar in the form's
properties. However, I have a number of datasheets that respond to buttons on
the Switchboard. For each datasheet which is developed from queries, the
"Menu Bar" remains and I can't seem to get rid of it - again so a recipient
can't change any information on the datasheets.

Thanks. Norm.


I think Soddy means the form title when maximized. When a form is maximized
it shows: apllication name - form name

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