MailMerge Help



I'm trying to do a mail merge for mailing labels. When I choose the excel
spreadsheet I get a window that pops up that says conversion is need. Can
anyone help me figure this out? I've never had a problem like this when doing
a mail merge


Can you post the exact error message that you are receiving? What
version of Microsoft Word are you using? You might want to try saving
your Excel file in csv format as opposed to Excel format to see if you
continue getting the same error message.

Dave Carmany

Peter Jamieson

Which version of Word? Is the window title "Confirm Data Source" ? If it is,
what options do you see listed? If not, what is the dialog title and what
exactly does the dialog box say?

If, for any reason, you checked Word Tools|Options|General|"Confirm
conversion at open" (in Word 2002/2003 - in Word 2007 there's a similar
option in "Office Button"|"Word Options", then the simplest place to start
is to go back and uncheck that item.

Peter Jamieson

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