Mailing lists


Muhammed Soyer

I wonder whether any good mailing lists for C# and dotnet
technologies exist or not.
Do you follow any mailing lists for dotnet ?



I had created a web application where Session expiry was set to 2,000
minutes in IIS. in web config i had given like this
<sessionState timeout="2,000" mode="InProc"></sessionState> but MY web
application was left logged in at 18:00 15th Oct, but on the following day
08:30 16th Oct, the session expired as soon as MY web application was used.
It was also noted that during the day, MY web application occasionally got
session expiry when it was constantly being used.Does the session expiry need
to be set up anywhere else? There are no Error logs created.
Will you please help me to resolve this issue. i expect your reply soon .

With Thanks
Fijo Francis T


I had created a web application where Session expiry was set to 2,000
minutes in IIS. in web config i had given like this
<sessionState timeout="2,000" mode="InProc"></sessionState> but MY web
application was left logged in at 18:00 15th Oct, but on the following day
08:30 16th Oct, the session expired as soon as MY web application was used.
It was also noted that during the day, MY web application occasionally got
session expiry when it was constantly being used.Does the session expiry need
to be set up anywhere else? There are no Error logs created.
Will you please help me to resolve this issue. i expect your reply soon .

i hope a mail copy to (e-mail address removed)

With Thanks
Fijo Francis T

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