Mail Merging froma query



I hope I am not being bothersome, I just am having troubble doing a mail
merger from a query. I need query to be able to provide an input box for two
variables and then take the results of that query and dump them to Word. I
want the user to be able to just push a button that runs the query, passes
the variables to the query, and dumps the variables in a Word mail merge.

Any ideas?



I hope I am not being bothersome, I just am having troubble doing a mail
merger from a query. I need query to be able to provide an input box for two
variables and then take the results of that query and dump them to Word. I
want the user to be able to just push a button that runs the query, passes
the variables to the query, and dumps the variables in a Word mail merge.

Any ideas?


You might want to check out Albert's "Super Easy Word Merge"...

pretty much does what you describe... maybe except for a tiny bit of
your filtering. but you can do that easily enough by using
CopyFromRecordset (see Access web. I'd give the
exact address, but you should look around anyway. Might be slightly
dated or DAO-centric, but it's still a great resource.

or you could 1. create an unbound form to gather criteria.
2. point your query at the form ...
WHERE SomeField=Forms![MyCriteriaForm]![MyUnboundControl]

and then base your merge on that.

but Albert's solution is nice and clean... gotta love that!


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